Hpwren Cams

Is anyone else having issues accessing the hpwren cams or is it just me?

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HPWREN has an upgraded interface.
Use this link: HPWREN Cameras


Thank you. Are there instructions on how to use it?

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The circled ā€œiā€ in the upper right gets you to a help page, and the help page includes a link to a Video tutorial. The new user interface has much more functionality than the old software. As just one example, if you see a fire at night and you have difficulty determining the location, you can overlay a semitransparent daytime image, so you can see where things are.


HWB was the primary UCSD professor whose vision started HPWREN. I worked as a private contractor with him after my retirement in 2003. Did many microwave antenna installations on mountain top towers and then assisted with CDF collaborations. This was prior to the UCSD/AlertCams that exist now.