Instructions to find IAP and Maps for most incidents

People have been asking alot, so here’s the annual bump on how to find the…

The URL changed to


The recent activity in this thread reminded me that I hadn’t updated my links page for 2021. Got around to it this morning. The page below links to many of the useful web sites that I have garnered from these forums over the years, including the NIFC FTP site (maps and IAP’s), satellite heat detections, weather and smoke links, and the AlertWildfire cams.


can you throw in my google drive for ATAK maps?


created redirects for all the calfire teams. team number)

this will take to their current incident public facing folder.

example -

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Added links on the main page for ATAK maps and CalFire IMT boxes. Also added a link to CalTopo.

It is Password Protected

Interesting how all incident data is available on the “public” FTP site, however the IAP downloads are password protected.
This is supposed to be public information. Freedom of Information Act request is in order here.

What possible use would the IAP be to the general public? We get great maps and analysis, news, and photos here, from interested and knowledgeable posters, why do we need the IAP?

We don’t.

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The words, “Controlled Unclassified Information/Basic” appear multiple times on a IAP. That is the basis for not posting. I have not read the below, so I don’t really have a great idea how it applies.

Do you have a link to where it’s supposed to be public data and how that applies to CUI/B? It’s certainly not my area of expertise.

Not once have I had the desire/need to look at an IAP from an incident I am not on. I also do not post any IAPs I am responsible for producing on the FTP site


there is personnel information sometimes in the IAP folks telephone number


IAP’s include personal information for resources and assigned personnel. There are also emergency procedures, frequencies and contact information which does not need to be floating around to the general public.

I’ve been on numerous incidents over the years where this information was misused by the public and hampered incident operations.


Thanks Fish for the info. If I cant sleep tonight I will struggle through the government double talk…
This link was posted earlier regarding access to FTP site data:

Thank you for this!!

FOIA is just as misunderstood as HIPPA.

If you want to find out what’s in the IAP you could file a FOIA request for one, pay the appropriate fees and in 3-6 months you’ll probably get it. It is a gov’t produced document. Personnel info does not prevent FOIA. It just gets redacted (add a couple of weeks to the process). Same with the CUI/B info if there is any actually in there. It would also be redacted (add a couple of weeks to the process).

The only way to actually prevent an agency from not preventing distribution in the beginning is through a court order ($$$$ and add a couple of years) or a change in policy. FOIA has nothing to due with either.

All that being said, the plans section on this team probably is pretty busy and does not want to decide what is and isn’t for public consumption and has decided to decide this later (if any one cares 3 months from now). Some plans section chief are ok with it being released some are not, luck of the draw. Possibly a way to get current policy changed is to contact the local congressional representative the fire is under (ha ha ha).

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I prefer to see the IAP. It has more detailed information. When the PIO gives his morning report you know exactly what/where he is talking about.

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Can someone help me understand why the cloud application, “box,” is being used by team 6? Checking NIFC FTP site, the folder structure for Caldor is there however all information is old (yesterday…seems like forever!). None of the new material that Team 6 has created (in conjunction with SRAHIMT 3) is located in the NIFC FTP site. Is this a preference with Cal State teams? OR…will the NIFC FTP site be used as well, (in duplication) for the FED side?? Just looking for the right location to pull info from in the future. Thanks!

They will most likely eventually post to FTP and it may be like how the DIXIE is but the opposite. DIXIE starts as state and then zone to fed. Fed has EAST Zone sub folder for their products under the state incident on FTP. I would assume this will occur next operational period. is what CAL-FIRE uses as their file repo/disto application.

I made redirects for all the cal fire teams -


The new stuff actually is on the FTP site - they started a new incident under “CALFIRE” instead of using the existing folder which was under “FEDERAL”. I don’t believe that’s what they were supposed to do but i’m not going to criticize especially since i’m not sitting in the trailer at 1am.


Hey! Thanks for the fast response! I missed it… should have looked before asking.