Looking for Unit Log Book

Does anyone know if you can still get these?


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Okay I get that these are old school but they where pretty handing for me for 214 documenting. Is there perhaps a new version of this out that people like. Sometimes I am on the line and sometimes I am setting a up a spike camp or a large camp.

Amazon shows a Unit Log notebook by M4 publishing (96 pages) but no picture. Not sure it’s what you’re after.

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For some years I have been using the voice recording app on my smart phone to quickly log anything I would possibly like to capture on a 214. I say the date and time and a sentence or two on whatever the issue was that I wanted to capture. Then when back at the ICP or Camp I would transcribe the days entries onto a 214. Kept is quick and clean. No 214’s all over my truck or ripped and torn in my pocket. Just a thought.


I believe Rite in the Rain still prints an ICS 214 notebook.