Nevada Fire News & Weather


#NV #Wildfire Stats 2022
#DodgeSpringsFire | 5,664 | 98%
#BeckyPeakFire | 5,989 Ac. | 100%
#GoshuteFire | 1,966 Ac. | 90% | Local Monitor
#KinsleyFIre | 3,209 Ac. | 100% | Inactive
#WildCatBAER| Burned Area Emergency Response on scene

#NVWildFire #NVFireWX

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The rain of this event may pose a higher flood threat to western NV than previous events due to the warmer forecasted temperatures. Walker River appears to be ripping along (possibly some pre-emptive action there?), Carson City, Reno and Washoe Lake, and the Truckee River west of Lake Pyramid. Pineapple Express is swinging for the fences. I might suppose these watches would be more constrained if it was colder. Dew points have probably nose dived in areas on the map like the receding waterline on a beach right before the wave crashes. Stay hydrated. And that’s the name of that tune. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

This article from the Record Courier (dated Mar 2) has some discussion by local NWS and Fire Chiefs about issues in the Carson, Walker and Truckee river basins. The upshot seems to be that, like some areas in CA, there is relatively poor upstream sequester, leading to rapid flooding at lower elevations.

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/ WWA Summary for Flood Watch Issued by REV /

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Video: INITIAL ATTACK: Nevada Division of Forestry’s Air Operations - YouTube

Friday morning, NDF held wildfire training with 47 rookie firefighters in Gardnerville to get them ready for the real thing. This training includes cutting firelines, coordinating with helicopters and fire mitigation, which will help if a fire breaks out in this area.

“The purpose for this is our rookie academy for this year; all our new recruits are out here. We’ve got 33 in a wildland fire academy and 14 in an engine academy,” said Kacey KC, state forester and firewarden with the NDF. “The purpose is to train them in class and in the field on how a wildfire is going to occur in this area. So what you’re seeing today is an actual simulation of a fire.”
Wildland firefighters prepare for fire season (photos) (

NDF H403 is a styley UH1 Iroquois with a Bell AH1 Cobra engine in it, providing it some extra muscle compared to a standard UH1. The video is from 2007. Over the long run, the number of original Huey frames is in decline, and there are a few helo waiting to replace them; Firehawks, AW139s, Bell 412EX, etc, etc. I think its fantastic that these copters were so well built as to still be in first line Helitack.


North of Pyramid Lake, about 70,000 people are trapped on the playa of the Black Rock Desert after rains turned the streets of Black Rock City into a quagmire at the annual Burning Man Festival. Contacts at BLM say the BRC field hospital is unable to medevac patients due to lack of dry helipad and no vehicle access. All traffic onto the playa has been halted by BLM and vehicle movement is prohibited within the event. Some people are hiking out to the main road, 2-3 miles away.
More rain is forecast for today.
We did a briefing video about it last night on The Lookout. (YouTube age-restricted my video because you can’t take a picture at Burning Man without a 90% chance of catching a nipple or naked old German backpacker, but it’s pretty tame)…


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