News story about the Plumas and management….

This popped up on my feed. Just thought I would share it. It’s only one part, I would imagine, of a very large discussion. I am not pointing fingers. Posted 2 days ago.


I’ll take a side, that environmental nut jobs can shove it.


The dude leading the charge is a regular PITA up here. Self righteous on steroids. Over and over and over.


I feel the same way. Didn’t want the whole thing flagged as soon as I posted it.


Home hardening is still needed. At least when rebuilding or new construction is introduced.

Ember cast (read wind event) fire is not mitigated much by thinning when an established fire moves into structures

We also have to commit to prescribed fire as an on-going process, not one and done.


By the time it is time to do another prescribed fire on the same patch of ground, all of the people involved will have moved on to other positions, or other locations.

One of the reasons this goes on. Due to the transient nature of everything, people don’t stay more than a couple of years. “It was always like that” they think. Meanwhile, the brush keeps growing.


So the solution is to let a fire adapted ecosystem be free from burning / fuel reduction in order to have as much fuel loading as possible so it won’t get sunlight and wind to reduce fires? I’m confused.


No, you’re not onfused. Who is confused is a particular self-proclaimed “environmentalist” gadfly who’s a thorn in the side of reality. He is constantly trying to throw a baboon wrench into the works.

I have been right here since July 1985. I consider myself an environmentalist, and also a realist. Those are not irreconcilable attributes, IMO.


These folks aren’t environmentalist, they are preservationist. They don’t want you to do any thing on the landscape. Folks like this and the Denise Boggs of the world are the number one problem facing fuels management, they don’t want you to do anything!!!


They are kinda like the comfortable lobsters sitting in a large pot of water not knowing someone just turned on a burner underneath the pot to start the final process to their demise. Then the unaware will start their new careers as dinner, all the while not realizing the slow change in their environment was leading to demise.

Plumas is aware of its environment, and Attempting to control their environment for its on safety and survival. :cowboy_hat_face:


My biggest complaint about the proposed Plumas project is that they are proposing a ton of thinning that will cause a new flush of regeneration of baby trees that 10-15 years from now will be super-thick ladder fuels. The project plan calls for a massive amount of prescribed fire to maintain the thinned units, which looks great on paper, but the USFS hasn’t had the capacity to get burning done ANYWHERE at the scale they are proposing, and they seem to have less capacity every year.