State ID:NV
3 letter designator:CCD
Fire name: Gray
Location: Grayback East of Fairview Peak and South of Eastgate; 39 11.850, -117 53.286
Reported acres: Minden saying 200 Ac
Rate of spread: appears moderate
Report on Conditions:
Structure threat:
Resources: AA-0CP B3361 B3366 BC 3904 WT5181
Weather: South wind on the fire. Partly cloudy, build-ups across central NV today some showers
Radio channels:
Scanner link:
Webcam link: http://www.alertwildfire.org/blmnv/ Fairview Camera
Agency Website: Has just appeared on Sierra Front Website. http://www.wildcad.net/WCNVSFC.htm


The GB GACC lists the Gray fire at 300 acres. There was not a huge amount of smoke visible at sundown.
Nice stop given the wind, terrain, and fuel.