Does Kansas still have the Ex Cal Fire radial engine S2?
I believe so, and haven’t heard otherwise. Read last update from 2023:
Yes they do. Based out of the Hutchinson airport
There are lots and lots of tankers from the big outfits (Coulson, Neptune, Erickson, Aeroflite, Conair, CDF) doing maintenance and training right now throughout the Western U.S., I don’t think there’ll be any shortage to call upon long before they go down the list to a lone still-radial S-2. Aeroflite’s been busy flying spring training out of Chico, including with at least one of their CL-415s - they’ve got a bunch in the air as I’m writing this. There are a bunch of SEAT outfits and LATs in Texas, as well.
… actually, looking at FR24, looks like Coulson and Neptune are getting sent to OK as I write.
I saw a Cal-Fire S2 that was for sale on you tube. Not current for sure but still had markings on it with radial engines…