OR- ODF SW - Medford 2020

50 acres. The approximate location is at the end of Worthington Road, among wooded hills between Eagle Point and Butte Falls. Per local Oregon News.

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VLAT 912 inbound.

150 Acres 0%

News feed:


Newest update from ic is 300-350 acres with short crown runs and short/medium range spotting.

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Extreme spotting issues going on per IC. Asking for more strike teams. Any type

1500-3200 block of Worthington Rd. In Eagle Point being evacuated.

500 Acres.

800+ acres. As of 1930 hrs

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Not a good spot for a start this time of year. Some fuels work by obenchain, but heavy fuels any direction the wind is blowing. Lake cr, salt creek, shady cove… burning hot


Fire was reported to be around 500 acres per air attack couple hours ago.

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That it was. Couple hours ago lol.