Not sure who you’re referring to but the link I posted is directly From Cal Fire
It makes sense if they’re are private engines. Many out of state resources are private and have to have a a safety inspection before hitting the line. Both mechanical and PPE. To do this at GS would be too overwhelming for the incident.
I believe this was posted as a question and we cleared the air(no pun intended) we did exactly what we were hoping to do here.
Original poster posted it simply as a ‘question’ and it has been explained. Keep it civil please.
This is a follow up tweet from the guy who started this rumor. Unfortunately, his original tweet got a million views and some media ran with it without following up. Shame on them.
Except that it’s not. The forestry mechanics that would be doing this have a lot of right leaning’s and frankly don’t get paid enough to keep quiet about it.
There is a lot to be mad about with what has happened. Let’s not waste energy being mad about things that didn’t happen.
I doubt Cal Fire is in the “vehicle emissions testing” business. Inspecting for viability and safety makes sense. Firefighter’s lives are on the line every minute they’re on the fire.
Oregon crews stopped at CALFIRE HQ in Sacramento for inspection. That’s it.
that’s exactly what it is, in the past departments would send rigs that needed repairs and then blame the incident so the incident would cover it . This ensure that crew safety is upmost after a long trip south but to ensure that the equipment being utilized is mechanically safe. They did do some quick repairs to brakes and change out tires but most of its just a CYA. This way as well it’s documented that it came into the firefight one way and leaves the same way the state got it if not better.
I’ve heard of this, especially the private hire equipment. Funny enough I did notice notice in the video a rig with mismatched drive tires
What’s wrong with that?
Haha, I remember clear as day putting recaps on Fed engines early 2000’s in Region 5 and 2011 West Texas IA.
Illegal, and just a bad idea in general
Illegal based on what?
Ileagal on steer tires. But they are not worth it
Better not go snooping around too many Forestry stations mid summer, might be a few mismatched tires
Technically Fire Vehicles are exempt by title 49 covers it
Last I checked steer tires are not duals