Thanks. I don’t write off criticism from someone like @norcal74 as ignorance, though. We just have super-different life experiences within fire. They have been on the hook for a lot of real-world operational consequences, and felt pressures from the job that I’ll never know.
I’m glad to have the freedom to be a radical voice, at times (radical means ‘roots’, BTW). We’ve got a lot of problems with fire in our communities that aren’t going to be solved by the thinking that caused them. Across my career, I’ve had long leashes and the luxury of noodling about the bigger picture of wildland fire management in the abstract, while not being bound by the constraints or realities of working for a public agency. I hope I can keep saying the things many of you think, but can’t say out loud.
This forum, and @norcal74 in particular has helped pull me back to reality, at times, for example, helping me tone down my cheerleading for managed wildfire in the parts of California that aren’t somewhere between Redding and Crescent City.
I changed the name of this thread, BTW.