Q&D vs IA thread

I’ve always wondered. What constitutes a Q&D vs IA post ??


I would say IA is for an established fire that you have solid info for, it doesn’t have to be everything, but something’s to stand on. Like jurisdiction, actual location, a report on conditions. Most people leave out the little guys that get picked up with a couple of resources but might start one if they know there is significant potential. Q&D is for something you’re not really sure on, such as I see a lot of smoke in the area of x any info? Eventually Q&D will cover general discussion of a fire while the IA or ongoing will stick to facts. Hope that helps.


In the absence of somebody official responding. This is the way I understand it.

IA is for established facts. Size, direction, resources, conditions, that are known to be accurate to the poster. Speculation not allowed. Questions not allowed.

At some point a 10 acre minimum was mentioned, but that has not been enforced much in recent years. I will occasionally start an IA when I know right at dispatch that something will go big and I think others do too.

Since the old site crashed, the volume of posters on here has been pretty lacking so I hope the mods feel it is better to live an let live until it builds back up, but if it hasn’t built back up by now I have my doubts as to whether it ever will.


My .02. Q&D until it goes extended. Then post an IA if it’s going to rip after extended.


I-A at minimum you have State, local unit I.d. location, a name, at least some of the responding resources, and a size up. Post camera and scanner link if you have them. If the incident goes more than a day it gets moved to the continuing incidents section.

  Q&D is for anything related to a fire whether it be you seeing a column on a Webcam or driving home and you can't find anything about it or various issues that might and do occur like catering or how the local community is helping out. Things like was there a tornado or pyro CB lightning or any pictures of such should be Q&D.

Example IA with basic info where things changed very rapidly after most of us were asleep.

Q&D that started as an IA but OP decided to move it because of limited info and changes.

Members are free to move threads around to proper sections of the forum if we see it is necessary.

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And something that goes a long way with me personally is etiquette. Don’t act like an asshat just because someone gets something wrong or they ask a question because they don’t know because not everyone here is or was or plans to be a firefighter. When 1 decides to be an asshat then others jump on them and the thread turns into a train wreck. Just be civil.