I beg to differ… albeit in LE…… It becomes an enjoyable hazing and laughs for years to come!
I love our superstition - never finish your last nfirs report before bed. Same goes for medics and PCRs lol…and of course nobody better comment on how sl…. This shift has been lol.
And on the Klamath, never ever use the word “Dillon” in the name of your new incident.
FS 2024 ended 12/31/24, didn’t you get the message?
FS 2025 started 1/1/25 with the Border #1 fire on Otay Mtn in the NMU.
Then there is “Fallujah” and you haven’t stopped burning down there since 2000. But now you just keep them “10 acres or less” with the Dozer in the LRA🤣
In RRU its the R… B…
And don’t say they’ll catch this one quick because it’ll stay put until the middle of the night went it decides to for a jog.
Tamarisk is a 9 million hour fuel sir. Lol
As a retired Dispatcher, I can assure you we (PSD’s) were not happy when a field person visited and made the “Q-word” comment.
It’s bad luck to be superstitious.
Exactly. I just always assume something bad will happen. I can only be pleasantly surprised.
Or mention “Happy Camp”!
Exactly what I was thinking not to say!!! Curse of the summer
Shhh! Never mention the K forest, never!
It was Kee… I promise not me!!!