Santa Clara County ends Cal Fire contract for rural communities

So where do these employees go? Some great Medics and COs I worked with during my time in SCU


They just get absorbed in the unit I would imagine. By loosing the Schedule A program;


Or they get hired into the county for coverage in the rural areas. :thinking:

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Santa Clara County Fire would have to set up hiring etc. And only if they want to open a special hiring for CAL FIRE Firefighters. I’m sure they will get sucked into other programs.

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or they get transfer preference into existing vacancies Statewide


I would guess with all the staffing needs to implement the 66hr. work schedule these individuals would just be absorbed into the system someplace. Since they already are in the job and have the training and academies under their belt it is an easy placement.


Just saw this article about Santa Clara County ending its contract with Cal Fire resulting in 30 employees losing their job? Can anyone share more information about this?

Edit: didn’t see this thread. Thank you all for sharing.

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I’m not certain, but thinking the CF administrative fee is playing a roll.


I created a thread for it the other day


This will end up being a boondoggle for the County, I own some property in the Fire District so Ive been following it for a while
South County only owns one station, Sta-1 is state owned and I can assure you, the white engine isn’t gonna move in there, In addition, half of the cost of that engine is funded by Morgan Hill City, they are not leaving their CF contract.
Station 3 is owned by the City of Gilroy, really have no idea how that would play out for “County” fire, The station is tiny, no way it would last for County Fire Standards.
No way any money is being saved, and potentially they loose one station covering the entire north end of the district.


The don’t forget the Amador Contract station up on Highway 152. Which is Amador under the South Santa Clara County Fire Protection District (Only ALS B Engine in the state) . That will go away as well. Back to a 02350 Engine.


Just making a comment, I do find it interesting that generally speaking almost any schedule a contract that breaks away see a significant increase in their overall cost despite the initial claims politicians make when they make the decision.

I don’t know enough about the situation in Santa Clara to comment other than what I have been told by people I know there and it sounds like this case will be no different.


It probably has much more to do with the increased costs due to the workweek reduction. The Schedule A contract in the district where I live increased by almost 40%.


CAL FIRE is no longer the cheap, big bang for the buck like it once was with the new contract/schedule. Probably more of this to come.


When a supervisor says something this stupid

“The significance is that they do not have to worry if CalFire is going to have enough money to help them out when there is a fire or some kind of emergency,” said Supervisor Sylvia Arenas.

They are either being lied to by the leaders of Santa Clara County Fire or it is a political issue that they want to see carried out to their liking.


What is the annual starting salary for a Cal Fire FF-2? 65K or so? Santa Clara Co. is about 95K? The cost comparison does not get any better with Captains and Chief officers. How does Santa Clara Co. do the same job cheaper given the higher salary difference? Is the administrative cost for the Cal Fire contract so high that it makes Santa Clara Co. Fire a better deal?

With some real numbers that answer some of the questions, I can do some math to figure out the better deal! I can’t figure out the politics???


They don’t.

No, not sure of the latest but I would guess 15% would be on the high side. You also can’t compare annual salary as CalFire works more hours/year for the base salary than most LGs.

CalFire is still cheaper than most appropriately staffed LG fire depts. It can no longer compete with the smaller more rural fire dept. that runs 40hr/week staffing or single person staffing. The voting public gets what they want/pay for/afford. Everywhere you live has benefits/drawbacks.


This was the point that I was making. Very often when you dig into contract losses, it boils down to a politician who didn’t get their way about something and is more than happy to burn down a district or cities budget so they can have their way.


Just for the folks that think Central is gonna make the puzzle work


Half a Decade?