I’m only starting this topic to prod the thoughts of seasoned overhead and alert young FF’s of this year’s possible fire season.
The annual grasses crop is beyond exceptional, it has developed significant height along with coarse density. Not to mention all the areas not impacted by previous fire seasons/grazing that left plenty of matted areas to carry strong ERC’S that resist suppression. With conjunction with many areas where snowpack downed timber tops that have contributed to ladder fuels that have previously been treated along homes and roadways to prevent ember cast and torching.
Many of the homeowners/landlords responsible for the upkeep will not reach the desired fire resistant nature required or will attempt to burn materials out of prescription putting others at risk of losing their homes in the process (I’ve already instructed a few burning out of prescription to cease operations).
I believe we will have many structures lost in IA this year due to the INTENSITY of the burning conditions within the initial burn period, I believe the majority of fire season will be starts will be contained within the first 0-7 days. Anything prolonged beyond that I believe will be chaparral driven with wind events behind it (southern California).
I would encourage young FF’s to ignore the large amount of moisture received this year as a comfort and instead let it reflect an important warning as to the highly violent reaction fire has to light fuels.
I’d like input on this so please reply.