TAK Information-

New video - not fire related but I think everyone at this point regardless of the patch is dealing with flooding right about now.

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Here is cool flip book on the Aevex FIRIS contract. Cool that they mentioned TAK.

I have updated the FTP folders for ATAK. So all the final fire maps from 2022 season for California are accessible from ATAK using the Cloud plugin. You do have to have www.tak.gov access for now to get the plugin. I am trying to get it for public release. This video shows off how it can be used.

As we get closer to the 10 year anniversary of Granite Mountain Hotshot/Yarnell tragedy I reflect on could technology have prevented a tragedy or made more options for helping mitigate an already poorly made decision. You all know I am an ATAK fan. If it wasnt for this DARPA project right here and the left behind equipment at the prescott national forest I would have never found out about ATAK in 2018 from Eric Aselin. We have much less expensive radios, sat comms solutions now but the value of this data has not changed.


Good morning,
Just wanted to say thank you for all of the information contained in this thread. I have gotten TAK running successfully and am looking to use it in the field this fire season. I am looking forward to training our personnel and hopefully using these tools withing our agency.

I have had issues signing up on TAK.gov. Does anyone have a contact there? I get no replies when I sign up or hit the contact form. I would love to access the plugins mentioned above.

They’ll get you squared away.

Welcome to the TAK community! If you haven’ t already, visit thetaksyndicate.org and be sure to plug in to the Discord and Slack communities for fairly rapid-fire answers to any questions you’ll have.


If your still struggling to get access on TAK.gov please DM me. I run www.thetaksyndicate.org and an admin on the public safety ATAK on Slack.

The links to Discord are on the faq on my website.

If your looking to spin up a server i have a new script that makes install super easy. Oh how I would love if this site would host a tak-server for members to use.


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Thank you guys! Support just reached out to me. I appreciate the help!

Great article on UAS and ATAK integration in the may issue of

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Here is a video I made during the Mosquito fire which was made initially for internal sharing of FIRIS capability and integration into ATAK. Got permission to share publicly so enjoy. It’s main purpose is to highlight the increased context you get with having geospatial properties with video compared to just video alone. This can come from a drone, manned aircraft, still camera etc. Where the camera is facing etc increases the context a lot. This video was made live, this is not a recording of downloaded video played back in ATAK. This is the exact same program that the TACPs use when they imbed with us from the DRTI platform. In all reality, we could be doing the exact same thing DRTI does from our agency and contract aviation with the right radios in our hand. If the aircraft can transmit via satcomms like FIRIS and you have an internet connection where you are you don’t even need a downlink radio but if you are in a no-cell zone you will want the radio. This would be for a Branch/Divs. Many of the contract planes already have the downlink radios installed. We just need to put someone on the ground with ops who knows how to use the radio and ATAK.


If your thinking about dipping your toe into ATAK I made a little video on some cost saving ways to do it.

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No industry standard.

Courtney uses Silvus

Aevex which is CAL-OES Firis and USFS AA51 uses Persistent Systems.

I cant remember if the CO MMA has a downlink on it I will have to text a friend.

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@NaterD15 - Aevex is the aviation contractor for Firis and AA51 - Persistent Systems is the brand of their downlink mesh radio.

They also have a satellite link which is how FIRIS sends the perimeter data when they are airborne.

Want to deploy your own TAK Server to see what the hype is about? You can do this for free for a few months. After that depending on your cloud provider it could be 48 bucks a year! Check out this alternative to Digital Ocean or Linode. They are having a killer sale. SSDnodes

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Helibase mangers, your gonna love this.


Awesome to have a plug and play/dummy-proof PiAware-esque setup in a sturdy field-grade box. Any idea if it’ll natively stream the data over to FlightAware/ADS-B Exchange if there’s internet connectivity?

It can do that if desired. Or send it to a tak-server or both! Reach out to greg at Sensors and Signals.

I did a segment on the SmartFirefighting podcast. Its focused on TAK and situational awareness.


If your curious on what you can do with FIRIS data in ATAK check out this video.


If you have used the VNS Plugin in the past and noticed that you can no longer get a routes its because the API key that we all shared has been revoked. Each agency/group etc has to have their own API key now. This video shows how you can do this. You get 200 bucks of free credits a month and its fractions of a cent for every time you want to use it.

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