Team Assignments

It would be interesting to say the least. I’m cool with it. I’m about in the center of the state.

Well those who are unhappy can just retire. First the argument was closest group, now it’s their feelings? Yeah I can understand pride of being with the same group of dedicated professional people. That enjoy doing their job. But to be fair to we agreed to this rotation. As many parents would agree if you can’t get along and stay in line, I will separate you!

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Team members did not agree with the rotation this came from CWCG and this is the new rotation. We new this was going to happen. Just need to work the kinks out.

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Seems the real big problem is two fold. First its a change and we all know how that goes over in the fire service. Second it has been a very slow season, so far, and we have l lot of time to pick apart any new policy. If this season had been like the last 5 + years no one would have noticed the change.
Reality is this system works well in other GACC’s. I am on a GB Type 2 Team and we cover a much larger area then Region 5. From McCall, ID. on the north to the north rim of the Grand Canyon on the south, from Reno on the west to Salt Lake City. on the east So give it a chance.


Well Team 15 is headed to NorthOps for a preposition, with good odds we will get a divert enroute.


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: CFAA Agreement

Ok. It’s time to play “let’s pick a team, and who’s care about the rotation, what rotation”

INF has a team order in. Team 10 is up.

Tick tock.

Just thought I’d add a visual piece to this topic. Shot at a pullout on I-5, overlooking
the KNF’s Lime Fire in Siskiyou County Saturday afternoon. Team members doing some scouting before actual takeover of the fire. No dog in this fight, just an illustration. I’m sure they are happy
to be here, and the Klamath is happy to have them.


Does anybody know where you can see the IAP’s. Last year there was a website for almost all teams?

I don’t think you can for Fed fires. They don’t post them due to private info.

My mistake. I was speaking about CalFIRE IMT’s.


I think, Team 10 does not like to drive long distance :rofl: and turn down the assignment or could not fill because lacking key positions on their roster. But then again why could they not pull those positions from other teams like they did for the IC on Team 12 to Team 15?

Team 10 voluntarily turned down the assignment because the other team was closer and there was a possibility of a new team request up north so the scenario of two teams passing in the night was trying to be avoided.

The question now is why are they showing the team change-over on the Walker if the current m/o is to bring type 2’s up to type 1’s. IMHO the type 2 team IC should still be shown as in command.

So, it seems, the new system still is in need of tweaking…

I was wondering the same thing in regards to the Walker. Are both teams still there?

Last I heard…

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Then why have a regional rotation?


Got me on that one.

Seemed fine the way it was …

Too many members…not just Team 10, have taken other positions since they weren’t on call. But now that the Teams came up on 2/8/24 call, they can’t fill the Teams.

Heard that Team 14 demobed this morning from the Walker Fire

NOPS orders the type 1 team that goes off rotation and to the bottom of the list at midnight tonight to stage in Sac for the wind event, while the team rightfully on top of the rotation at midnight for the next 7 days is no longer on top.

Why not wait and get the right team staged for the week.

Then FS decision makers wonder why IMT participation is dwindling?

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