US Air Force helping us in Wildland Aircraft Support.

Air Force personal helping us on aircraft mapping. At least I hope it is only mapping missions. I don’t believe JDAMM’s have been approved yet to suck the air out of a fire yet!!


That’s awesome
Air Force CCT’s are bad ass


I made this post in the RC-26 topic but will drop it here too.

@firedog1 Dont let those TACPs and CCTs hear you calling one the other lol!

Here is a good facebook Video Link on DRTI and what they bring to the fight. They use ATAK for this mission. Glad to see the USFS moving forward with ATAK.

We could be doing the exact same thing that DRTI does with our agency/contract aviation fixed wing and UAS. IMHO we should be doing this mission as fire folks. Lets learn from their best practices. We should be self reliant and the military should augment us just like they do with MAFFS and helicopters etc.

Please watch this video its very informative on capability.

If anyone is looking for a great book to read check out “Alone at Dawn” gives a in depth view of CCT mission and I will second what @firedog1 said CCTs are bad ass.


Yes they are
My brother in law is a retired CCT.
Basically the same training pipeline, just different terminal assignments


3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Air Tanker Use

This was split off the 2024 park fire. Got me thinking about a fire DoD assets were used on and something that still annoys me.

Be careful about what you wish for with this sort of thing. They can help, but can also lead to the learning of information that can’t be disclosed in court (See linked PDF), even if it catches them red handed.

With those limitations, if I never see another DoD plane above a fire again, I won’t be upset.

Care to expand on this? What are you suggesting?

No, I do not.

That DoD assets may be useful, but not nearly as useful as non DoD assets. Any other plane up in the air that day would have resulted in arson convictions and maybe some closure about why for those affected. Instead affected residents blame responders and believe a shitty blogs conspiracy theory.

Thanks. I was trying to understand what you were getting at. I think I can read between the lines enough now.

Do a little factual research and you may or may not be surprised to know that there are DoD assets providing Intel and data daily and…,… continuously in both initial attacks or detection, and extended attack!

Data is sanitized and or delayed to a degree for obvious reasons, but to wish for no DoD flying cover is personal feelings but approaching conspiracy theory.

I will leave this little titbit, FIREGUARD

Or this DoD assets MAFFS

Or this lil guy MQ9


If someone can connect the dots between the DoD types and the fire investigator types, if you don’t know what you know, you can find a path to knowing what you know that can be used in court. Parallel construction is not just for line. Feds do this all the time but for obvious reasons don’t like to talk about it.