If you’ve been working in dusty conditions and start getting sick get checked quick. A friend caught valley fever in late November and passed in January.
Worked with several HFEO’s back in the 70’s and 80’s who both contacted Valley Fever. This was prior to the CDF dozers having environmental cabs. One had severe lung issues, but lived with until age 78. The other one had mild breathing issue’s, but was killed at age 52 in an auto accident before retirement.
One of our guys got VF on a strike team deployment this last summer and spent two days in the ER. This guy is the fittest dude on our dept. like crossfit games stuff.
When I work in Mid Valley in Fresno Co, worked the westside of Fresno Co. Mendota, Tranquility, Caruthers etc. Big agriculture areas with lots of row crop. Farmers always planting, disking and Harvesting. Lots of dirt and dust in the air. I knew a few people that caught Valley Fever and it was no joke. Two of them were out sick for 6 months. If you think you might have it get tested.