WA-CIA-Williams flat

State ID:WA
3 letter designator:CIA
Fire name:Williams flat
Location:franklin d Roosevelt lake colville reservation.
Reported acres:16,781
Rate of spread:moderate
Report on Conditions:20% contained
Structure threat:
Radio channels:
Scanner link:
Webcam link:aeneas lookout
Agency Websitehttps://inciweb.nwcg.gov/incident/6493/



08/10/19 PM UPDATE Williams Flats Fire

Acreage: 43,000

Containment: 40%

Current Fire Information: Due to inclement weather concerns with lightning and flash flooding, the Williams Flats fire night shift was held at the Incident Command Post due to safety concerns. Cooler temperatures and showers have dramaticly moderated the behavior of the Williams Flats Fire. On the southeast flank firefighters will be finishing containment lines. The Structure Protection Group is working on the east flank to increase their containment around homes and structures. The containment line on Silver Creek Road from Frielanders Meadow to the Four Corners area is near completion. Opportunities to construct containment line directly on the fire’s edge will be utilized whenever possible. The west and southwest flanks of the fire are secure.

Initial attack firefighting resources are available to respond to any new fire starts.

The Spokane Tribal Police have provided a rescue boat for emergency evacuation of injured firefighters.