State ID: WA
3 letter designator: SPD
Fire name: BIG HORN
Location: Kittitas County SR 821 MP 20
Reported acres: 400
Rate of spread: UNK
Report on Conditions:
Structure threat: UNK
Resources: BATT-22 BATT-31 BATT-603 CREW-33 CREW-52 CREW-6201 DIV-601 E-332 E-4201 E-4203 E-4301 E-6695 E-6696 PATROL-603
Weather: Wind advisory tonight and NW winds tomorrow 9-18 with gusts to 30 daytime through the night.
Radio channels:
Scanner link:
Webcam link:
Agency Website:

Holding in CAD at 400 acres.

CREW-6201 DIV-601 E-4302 E-6696 PATROL-603 SE-JONES assigned.