Why don’t MAFF's show up

On the LNU lightening complex fire, I hear AA talking to the MAFF’s but can’t see them on flightradar24. Does anyone know why? I have all filters off.

Military aircraft don’t usually show up on flightradar or other public access aircraft tracking.

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They do show up on this

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They were flying. I watched them fly over my house and looked for them on Flightradar24. No squawk. There was an issue, earlier in the day, with either a qualified lead or a qualified Maffs needed for them.

They had to hold the Maffs at MCC due to there being no lead, but I do see a lead on FlightRadar24 now


Copy. Yesterday the aa transition from 140 to 110 there was chatter that I thought was exactly that… no qualified lead at the time.

Yes folks, MAFFS are flying and they are there!
His link shows them.
Interesting though, it’s showing up with ADS-B signal, which Flightradar24 supposedly has “on” also.

The Glade fire definitely got someone’s attention this evening. Two MAFFS on it, with two more MAFFS diverted off LNU to this fire, and T01. I’m no FOBS, but this setup with the aligned terrain is tickling my spidey senses…

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Lead Bravo 55 working the MAFFS over MNF-Glade now. 7MZ was acting as Air Attack until they timed out.

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