Wildfire smoke and it's effects on health


Funny odd, not funny funny, we used to blame continuously bigger fires on mismanagement, 100 years of too much suppression. This article blames it all on climate. Not one word of management practices.


Right on Bootstrap. Climate change is the narrative by environmentals to achieve their goals of controlling everything.

The climate changes daily, monthly and annually forever. Four seasons and a fire season whenever such burning conditions occur.


Not wise IMO to isolate the causes either to previous practices or to a changing climate. The record of global temperature rise since the beginning of the industrial revolution is available for those who seek the bigger picture.

Meanwhile, up close we have this:



An alarming number of Californians perish from wildfires long after firefighters have tackled the blazes, new research shows.

Scientists are sounding the alarm about PM2.5 — tiny smoke particles that emanate from wildfires and can travel deep into people’s respiratory tracts.

For those inhaling them, they can be more dangerous than the flames themselves.

Researchers estimated at least 52,480 premature deaths from the decade to 2018.

Wildfire smoke is linked to a range of health problems that can land victims in an early grave.

Unchecked alarmism, by the writer’s own admission. The social affairs correspondent’s interpretation of an article of, I dare say speculative, research is a pearl clutching thrill ride. Four stars.

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Is it really the bigger picture though - asking for a friend? Ice cores & other evidence show that Earths climate is/has been cycling hot/cold - for more reasons than we can go into here - well before ANY anthropogenic input. The current warm spell started well before industrial revolution. Even if we take into account the entire timespan of humans on the planet it is a very very very small data set that we base EVERYTHING around. That makes no sense to me. Another headscratcher for me is that essentially we are all going 5150 over the climate and in fact it is one the most “quiet” times in Earths climate that scientist can see. We’ve managed to weaponize climate conversation/science at a time when earths climate is literally in the “sweet spot” to facilitate photosynthesis & oxygen production and grow homeosapiens! WTF?!


Blaming big fires on Climate change is the code phrase for we want a lot more taxpayer money from the government. It’s all a big government game!


What’s it gonna take to get you boys to play ball? We shouldn’t be absolutists. We should negotiate and compromise. I’ve give you a battalion of Royal Marines with Jet Packs, but they have to assault the oil derricks off the coast of Santa Barbara.

Deal or no deal?

[Disclaimer: Generally, if you have to explain a joke, it failed. However, this is a serious subject, surely better on its own topic thread, and this is jest. Screenshot from Gravity Industries video via Business Insider.]