Wildland Firefighter Entry Level Pay

2 of the 4 IHC, including Del Rosa will not be IHC this season due to a lack of qualified people. I know 2 existing FC made the switch to CF from the BDF. I do not know where they came from on the forest. What I do know is the BDF is down 7-9 engines and 2 of 4 qualified IHC due staffing “challenges” that only seem to.be getting worse. Incentive pay or not. Finally, one of the last Supt from the BB IHC went to CF and has since gone to OCFA and has been heavily recruiting now that OCFA has the funding for 2 full Type 1 crews and a 3rd seasonal crew. OCFA recruits 50% of the floor FF from the hand crew program.


No matter who or what positions. It’s ALOT. Expect something within the next week. We can’t stop the bleeding without tourniquet.

There’s a senate hearing in Energy and Natural Resources I’d pay attention to…


Just heard the BDF lost 43 folks to cal fire. Also on my district we lost 4 off one single engine. Now we have 2 unstaffed engines. I’m sure there’s more coming too. Guess the retention bonus isn’t retentioning.


Over what period of time did they lose 43 employees?


Since April. Calfire is expanding the paid FF program at Pilot Rock Fire Center, Rainbow Fire Center & Fox Fire Center. All 3 programs need an additional 40FF each.


Since April? Insane. I wish them all well. They picked a good department.


Statewide, Calfire needs 240 new FF positions just for paid handcrews. This does not include the contract counties of
Kern, Los Angeles? Marin, Orangen Santa Barbara , Ventura.
Each of those countries received funding to expand their paid FF program on behalf of the state for the Calfire mission. In total, the current budget had an expansion of 600 paid positions just for hand crews. Calfire has added over 3,000 positions in suppression in the last 3 budget cycles. You can imagine how many of those positions have come for the federal LMA’s.


Cal fire is getting a great deal from the forest service, highly skilled firefighters they don’t have to pay to train. Hopefully the powers to be can pull their heads out of the sand and stop the bleeding before there is no more blood to give


No movement on Biden’s budget proposals for WFFs, no movement on the recently rewritten Tim Hart Act and agencies are still saying BIL retention payments end Oct 1.

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To add even more intriguing information USDA is on record that they will not be signatory to CFMA when the current agreement expires. This will only compound the staffing challenges on Federal Lands by Federal FF. There are currently 10 out of region T3, 4, & 6 engines covering the BDF and CDD. The Texas Engine that has been staffing Mormon Rocks has already had a crew rotation.


Nothing will change. Jump ship to cal fire while they are still hiring!


Hold Fast….!!!
Stick to what you love doing, even through tough times it is well worth it……!
“I love my Captain” Phil Driscoll :checkered_flag:

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Is that verified regarding CFMA? Cause….wow. If that’s the case they are gonna have a real hard time fighting fires or we are all gonna be doing a lot of work out of the goodness of our hearts…

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You likely have way better info on this than me, however I will be stunned if they don’t sign. Does the FS have a list of the changes it needs to sign?

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The feds have dedicated folks who want to work and work hard but not for free it’s time to trade this wreck in I’m afraid


The last CFMA was delayed and only signed at the last minute. The DOD agencies (Camp Pendleton, Vandenberg, etc) were all excluded by the Feds. As such those LG type employees cannot goto a fed fire due to the reimbursement rates paid. I have seen personally where DOD employees from Pendleton went to the “Calfire” side of the Dixie. But when it came to them working on the federal side, they politely refused. Remember, the Federal LMA only have a CFMA type agreement in one state. In the other 49 states. The Feds make deals directly with an agency that abutts the affected forest.

Finally, why else do you think there are 10 out of state engines covering the BDF when you have hundreds of LG engines in California that could be doing the job.


What are they covering behind, this time of year?