Wildland Firefighter Entry Level Pay

The proposed new pay scale is too low. They must reevaluate. Entry level pay (GS-3) must start at $21 an hour in the Rest of US locality and scale up through the ranks and geographic areas.

Recently federal HR Classifiers in all the agencies have presented the 0456 series sideboards. The new series is being implemented differently between the federal agencies and will lead to inconsistent hiring practices and require additional positions to be hired to sustain a pay grade.

Fire leadership needs to push back and do this quickly.

The 15/9’s portal to portal ask from the administration is an example of good work and needs to get through Congress.


It appears as though discretionary spending will be capped at 1% for the next several years. If true and gets signed into law, come September, I feel sorry for my federal brothers & sisters.


I really really hope folks start making noise. Current political situation everything we and the agencies have worked for could be gone in a blink. Remember federal budgets always get cut in the backs of underpaid federal workers.


I think the pay scale (although still too low) and incident pay proposals (fed style p to p) still has a chance to pass with this deal. If all department budgets are not passed by Oct 1 then the -1% kicks in for FY24. I can’t remember the last time the federal budget was passed by Oct1.

Agree with 5211. Please get vocal on pay and 0456 series


Thanks NFFE.

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Sadly this budget deal actually holds discretionary spending at 1% thru 2024. This could impact the funding of any Federal program, which may include firefighters


It does that and more. The temporary raises the Federal FF got expire on September 30, 2023. The 1% increase in discretionary spending agreed to in this proposal doesn’t remotely cover what will expire, let alone what is being talked about for a new FF series.

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If the retention bonus goes away feds will leave in droves. Especially for all these new 26/0 hires that just signed up.I hope I’m wrong but staffing is becoming a real issue


It’s a big budget. Lots of places where cuts can happen to fund the administrations priorities, and federal wildland firefighters is one of the administrations priorities.

Pay scale is too low. Keep letting them know. $21 an hour entry level, scale up from there.


Huge point @milehighbar

Hearing a rumor of a mass exodus on the Bdf any truth to this


Most of the R5 Forests are losing people, as to the BDF I don’t know about mass exodus but yes there are a number leaving for other agencies.

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I expect a lot of folks to leave when the retention allowance disappears from our checks. Its going to be a huge insult to get a “pay increase” and have it be less than 50% of what the retention allowance is providing.

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Although I write this with no official information, I don’t see the agencies stopping the retention allowance if the pay scale is not in place. I think they will dig deep into the cushions and find the coins. It would be a retention massacre to stop it without something in place.


2 of the 4 IHC, including Del Rosa will not be IHC this season due to a lack of qualified people. I know 2 existing FC made the switch to CF from the BDF. I do not know where they came from on the forest. What I do know is the BDF is down 7-9 engines and 2 of 4 qualified IHC due staffing “challenges” that only seem to.be getting worse. Incentive pay or not. Finally, one of the last Supt from the BB IHC went to CF and has since gone to OCFA and has been heavily recruiting now that OCFA has the funding for 2 full Type 1 crews and a 3rd seasonal crew. OCFA recruits 50% of the floor FF from the hand crew program.


No matter who or what positions. It’s ALOT. Expect something within the next week. We can’t stop the bleeding without tourniquet.

There’s a senate hearing in Energy and Natural Resources I’d pay attention to…