Wildland Firefighter Entry Level Pay

From what I understand it’s up to the agency’s and OPM to create it. But congress still has to approve the budget in order for us to even afford the new pay scale.


Thanks. So it can be implemented without congressional approval, just not funded and this would need to come from current allocation levels right?

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Correct, they can promise us all the money they want but until congress approves a budget increase it’s a moot point.


Thanks for the intel 462to456.

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Here is some good reading material.


We must appreciate the administrations efforts here. Not a done deal, but they continue to make this a priority. Good to see.

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A joint FAQ from USDA and DOI



From our NFFE National President:

We had a tremendous day on Capitol Hill today where NFFE-IAM and our partners (IAFF, AFGE, and Grassroots Wildland Firefighters) held a press conference calling on members of Congress from both sides of the aisle to get legislation done to increase federal wildland firefighter pay, put more boots on the ground, start providing portal-to-portal pay, provide for improved mental health and medical services, better affordable livable housing, and more. We have a crisis in federal wildland fire, and we need these things to get done THIS YEAR or we will not be able to manager wildfire in this country. I want to thank Representatives Porter, Connelly, Neguse, and Kim for being here today and their unflinching support of wildland firefighters.

  1. How would the new proposed premium pay compute with other premium pays such as
    hazard pay and night differential? The proposed premium pay is a stand-alone premium pay; hazard pay and/or night differential will not be applied to the designated 9 hours of the sleep/rest period.

The yellow book:

Regulations Governing Payment of Hazard Differential for General Schedule Employees

• All-hazard pay differential for GS employees is based on a 24-hour day from 0001 to 2400 hours.

An individual who performs duties for which hazard pay differential is authorized shall be paid the hazard differential for all hours in pay status during the calendar day in which the hazardous duty is performed.

The automatic cut off time is 2400 hours. An individual working beyond 2400 hours into the next day is entitled to hazard pay differential for 2 days only if exposed to the hazard before and after 2400 hours.

No minimum time requirements for exposure shall be established to earn entitlement to differential pay for hazardous duty. Any amount of actual exposure during a calendar day qualifies the individual for the pay differential for all compensable hours performed that day.

Hazard pay shall be computed on the basis of all hours in pay status. If in an 8-hour workday the individual performs hazardous duty for 1 hour and is in paid leave for 7 hours, the hazard pay differential shall be computed on the full 8 hours. If the individual were in non-pay status (leave 21 without pay) for 7 hours, the hazard pay would be computed on the basis of the 1 hour in pay status.

Hazard pay shall be computed on the basis of an individual’s base compensation and shall be paid in addition to any other compensation the individual earns under other statutory authority

Hazard pay differential is in addition to any other premium pay or allowances payable under other provisions of this chapter. It is not subject to the biweekly maximum limitation provisions, which the law places on the amount that may be received for overtime work (5 CFR 550.106 and 28 550.907) but is subject to the annual aggregate compensation limit (5 CFR 530.202(4)).

So it would seem that they are not even familiar with their own policys on H pay.


If they’re going to hold up implementation of all this on the requirement they receive increased funding to cover the cost, then we have a lot of work to do.


Lots of good information in the FAQ update yet again no info in there on us Wage Grade blue collar employees.
I thank and commend the NFFE folks for the recent trip to Washington where I was told we did have some WG representation. Sometimes I feel the agency doesn’t even know we exist.


Zero chance we will forget about our wage grade employees. We will stay vocal. #3 needs some further explanation and let’s keep asking how and if this applies to our wage grade employees.

Thanks NFFE, Grassroots and all others for keeping the momentum going in the right direction.

An amateur’s thoughts on the politics of all this sees a difficult path in the House. Maybe I am wrong and maybe Speaker McCarthy will do the right thing. He needs to be the focus of our outreach efforts.


Get this out to every one to let their representatives know to support Tims Act.

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Hurryup, can the administration implement the new pay scale and fed portal to portal pay plan for all incident responders without congressional approval?

If you or someone in the community have a way to ask some officials it would be appreciated.


Presidents budget seems to be the route that’ll get some $$$ into peoples pockets. NFFE will be sending folks out again in June to Lobby to Congress. The goal is to send people every month till Sept. We need folks to come together and Support those that Support YOU!!! It costs $$$ to send folks every time.