Wildland Firefighter Entry Level Pay

I’m pretty sure we all understand what tumblewwed meant, the immediately relevant info to those on this page are the continuation of f.f. retention pay, as well as continuous funding of gov until mid Jan. Clearly there is WAY more in the C.R., but to address all wording in the C.R. would be irrelevant and way to much to cover.


The pay will continue with the new CR. The interesting part of it is they will be using suppression funds to keep the pay going.


Thanks for the patience everyone! As everyone knows by now. They kicked the Can down the road. Jan 17th is the new date. I expect our bill to stay in limbo till the can actually pass a budget. Not a Continuing Resolution. Lots of infighting between Republicans have lead them to become a minority in the house. This last CR was averted with a bipartisan vote. The majority being Dems to pass it.

Both the WFPPA and Tim Hart are still on the forefront. We have the next year to pass them both before we have to start all over again with a new Congress.

If you leave to greener pastures. PLEASE take your exit interview. Write in your resignation letter that pay and work schedules, etc were the reasoning for leaving. This will help the future.


Incredibly ungrateful behavior, imo. The whole amount of money in either of those bills is a drop in the bucket of a 5 trillion-dollar yearly budget. I have no idea who those people are talking to for advice, I don’t know that I want to know.

Be very careful about advice, especially psychological advice. The internet, and groups of various types and kinds, can sometimes be chock full of individuals who read a book on a psychological topic of some kind, typically how to find psychological advantage in business and marketing, and then a couple chapters of Marcus Aurelius and think they are qualified to practice clinical psychology. Don’t fall for it. The Socratic Method, commonly used by clinical psychologists and a product of stoic philosophy, was developed by a Greek soldier whose retreating army were experts in ambush. The Method can be used to help an individual, in what wise you have it, open up about things, but it can also be used in cultish and negligent ways to exploit hurt.

I say this as a person who was in the Katrina lower 9th Ward, security, carpentry, superintending local contractors and salvage, housing, and hazmat crews at a few surviving structures in the strange Toyland of the breach. Many features in common with Lahaina and Camp. Big events. Well-meaning, benign, and destructive advice; disaster victims, assistance workers, national guard police in wartime. Sometimes, it ended in violence and tragedy. Sometimes, this ‘counsel’ cost victims and responders’ healthcare and pay. By the hundreds, by the thousands. From around the world.

Zone to zone. 6 months at this Department, or this State partner, martial law, FEMA, DoD,…4 months there, with longer term housing, family or military engagements. Then you go to a Big Event and you’re in a marathon with apps and spotty Wi-Fi to keep your real life going out of the zone, and this ride can dump you like a wild mustang, burn you, break you and drop you on one bad shift. One terrible, unlucky and life changing shift without a safety net.

Do what’s right for you, and yours, and if a ‘counselor’ gets stuck on common-sense objections or criticisms of the advice they give, take a step back and shop around a little bit, and if they give you an ultimatum, I’d say the therapeutic relationship is over. Just the doing of that puts your own personal and individual agency back in your control, where it belongs, which can be a psychological relief in itself.

Self-entitled ‘counselors’ do not have to have malevolent intent to simply be wrong, too needy of validation for themselves, or unwilling to let go of their own religious/political objections to the clinical licensing process and its demands.

Good luck.

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Federal firefighters await pay fate - The Chief?


Good catch on the second article. Just a couple typos in there. But I think the message gets across

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I specifically like the way the issues and logical solutions are presented in the second article. The only thing I find strange is that the former director for Cal Fire is the one doing most of the articulation. We need a spokesperson to articulate that to congress and the citizens.
I know we have the union spearheading this now. He just made some good points. If you don’t front the money now, you’re going to have to pay double later. And I’m not an amazing scholar but I’m pretty sure when it comes down to spending, lawmakers are all ears.


Well it’s official got my start date and it got real never dreamed I’d be putting in my two week notice to the job I loved but times change and change is good stay strong to those that are sticking behind


Do we have any federal fire stations or federal facilities with federal firefighters in them within Calaveras, Merced or Stanislaus counties?

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I have not looked at a map, but quite certain the Stanislaus n.f. falls within Stanislaus co, the sierra n.f. falls within Merced co., not sure about calaveras

Most of the Stanislaus NF is in Calaveras and Tuolumne counties, Stanislaus county is in the Central Valley.


Although I can’t confirm this will occur, it appears we have a real chance that those three counties will go into the San Francisco locality pay area in a few weeks.


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That’s a good thing for them. The northern district of the Sequoia now receives fresno co. Cola, big raise. However, the district just south is still under rest of U.S. pretty big difference in pay

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When YNP moved from Fresno to SF pay locality, I wanna say it was around 10% jump.


YNP is currently in the “rest of US” locality scale, will hopefully be moved to the new Fresno-Madera-Hanford locality scale soon.

There have been attempts to switch to the SF scale for years, but it never happened.

Could WG and GS be in different locality pay scales out of the same geographical location? I was a YNP Red carded WG when we moved.

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I can’t speak to GS vs WG locality pay differences (I’m sure someone else here can shed some light on that)

But I can confirm YNP Fire folks (GS) are in the “rest of US” right now

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10-4, YNP WGs got moved to the Stockton scale pre 2010. Not Sf as I mentioned. Sounds like the GS getting moved there this January