Wildland Firefighter Entry Level Pay

Im sure everyone saw today’s events in the House. Let’s hope whoever is made speaker of the house is someone that’s signed onto the bill or someone not trying to gut the Government


Tic toc time is running out


Well what can I say keep fighting the fight as for me I got the call and accepted


This won’t go far to satisfy mortgage lenders. Maybe, the Administration can stiff-arm the House theatre of disgrace with enough mandate to shore up the credit ratings.

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What does that even mean…


Time that Congress buys for itself to do things doesn’t necessarily and directly translate into ‘grace eras’ for housing lenders who look at a WFFs ability to make mortgage payments on a 20 or 25 year loan. This isn’t a WFFs fault, and no amount of apologetics fixes it. If the US Govt feels it can afford these lapses, then it should take responsibility for how it impacts WFFs, and lenders, looking at long-term credit. This seems simple and obvious enough that the Executive can shore up that aspect. I don’t know exactly how, but I think there is an argument for a mandate.


The Senate, White House and an almost majority in the House want more than a one year extension. Tim Hart Act.


Sadly, with what happened on Oct 7. The Presidents request for over $100 Billion in aid to Israel & Ukraine that included less than $10 billion for American priorities. It’s more than obvious where the priorities are of this administration.

I continue to wish those employed by the Federal LMA the best. But waiting for a permanent pay fix, while trying to support yourself or your family is putting your life on hold.

To those in R5 that just accepted job offers with Cal-Fire, congratulations and good look.


It will happen. It may not be everything wanted or needed, but we will get the pay scale and other items found within multiple proposals.

I too wish anyone that went to CALFIRE and any LG or other state the best. Do what’s best for you and yours.


More Gruel for the paupers is not what they need. They need a substantial change in their diet. I believe the administration slipped in what they thought would pass the house in the current political climate. Until the folks in control of the house decide to legislate nothing will happen.


Consequences will happen outside the Washington, D.C., beltway. The Speaker would be wise to consider what’s in store for Louisiana if they do not get all the rain they hope for this winter.


This is for GS10’s and above? Seems focused on Supervision levels. This bill has nothing directly beneficial for the pockets of the Saw, hose and Pulaski carriers? Except making sure there supervisor doesn’t get there OT capped so to not compete with the Secretary of Agriculture, Interior or any other like positions pay? I remember being a Uber for some senior staff and they were complaining about pay caps while assigned to Katrina. Cheers


Agree. Doesn’t help many, likely not even the Gs-10 or GS-12’s. The good thing is people will continue to get paid when they exceed the annual pay Cap vs working for free. Important but lower in priority than solving the pay scale and other pay proposals for rank and file.


I know a lot of folks are reading this thread so I thought I would try and help. A whole lot of fed resumes are not making it through the review process, folks you have to ditch the 14 page fed resume. 1 to 2 pages max and worded for the agency you are applying. (AFEO FEO SFEO ENGB CRWB = Company officer). If you have to go into a station and ask to see a resume do it, don’t guess on this part because without all the certifications your similar work experience will be heavily weighted and needs to be worded appropriately to pass review process just like with the feds. Hope this helps someone good luck.


The House majority party spent today debating and voting for a bill which would never pass the Senate or be signed by the administration to defund the Vice presidents office. More than likely there will be a gov’t shutdown in 9 days (really hope I’m wrong). It’s more than obvious where the House majority parties priorities are. They are not serious people.

For those Federal employees I’m guessing the the following will occur (caveat, I’m no political guru). Shutdown… then eventually a continuing CR until January… then omnibus with no changes for the next fiscal year. Until the omnibus I’m beginning to doubt anything else will be taken up. After Jan it’s a crap shoot as to whether our Fed FF compensation issues will be taken up to due to the disfunction in the House. I’m always an optimist, but if I were a Fed I would plan accordingly.


353 I think you make perfect sense in your thoughts about how to write a fed resume.

My only concern is I hope HR is onboard with your thoughts/recommendations. Buyer Beware, as the capt may never see your resume if HR doesn’t think you met qualifications.

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