Wildland Firefighter Entry Level Pay

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Six National Firefighters share toll the job takes on them

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I’m getting really tired of every article I read boast that we got a pay raise. We did not get a pay raise we got a retention that expires in September. We can’t keep letting this misinformation go on it’s time we call it what it is


Yep, my salary is the same. I got a few cash awards and get a retention allowance every 2 weeks until the money runs out.


It’s a good point. Hit up the comments section of that article.

Yup and it gets taxed at a higher rate since it is classified as a bonus. Give us what we deserve.


Curious the status of the overtime backpay as well, anyone with insight? September has come and gone.

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To clarify, all “active income” which includes one time bonuses (and OT) are taxed at the same rate when you file your taxes. The per check withholding might be higher, but you get any “extra” withheld back when you file. I always chuckled at those that did not want to work V OT because they thought “most” would be gone in taxes.

I do support you all that one time bonuses should not be considered/talked as raises unless its contractually written for all future pay schedules (which it isn’t). When talking bonuses, the words “one-time” must always be used so those hearing the conversation has it drilled into them that it is temporary, and is not a solution to the current compensation disgrace.


Tumbleweed your right on the Income Taxes. What really helps out with take home pay is increase your Deferred Compensation (Savings Plus 457 plan)
That lowers your monthly taxable gross.

I remember well an older FC taught me to put every salary increase or FLSA OT into such. Started with $45 a month 25 years before retirement, and had maxed out @ $650 per month 10 years beforehand.

Retired with nearly $300,000 in Savings Plus. So now being over 70 years old, I have to take out $10,500 annually as RMD.



It’s kinda sad that some who have put forth much effort to secure adequate compensation for our fed FF’s really fell way short in their goals, w/ much praise being heaped on them, all the praise may have been a bit premature, it’s a job well done when the job is done, in reality we have been falling way short in our efforts for decades now, and do you think that it’s really going to change, come on…it does not mater a wink who sponsors a letter to OPM…fire season is over…homes are not being destroyed…you are not a priority…the country is in the toilet…folks are concerned about feeding their families and heating their homes. " Give Me what I Deserve" lol…Really what do you deserve…Find another job if you do not like this one…nobody owes you a thing outside of a paycheck…Yep I guess I am old school…and yes you all deserve better every thing…You really do…The Fed’s have been in need of better every thing since 1905…Do not hold your breath…Peace


After some time away, it is certainly folks like yourself who have contributed to the problem rather than a solution. While you say you are an advocate for the younger generation, you propagate the ageolism of, “you know what you signed up for”.

The problem is when you signed up the only permanent employee was the boss. Season ending rain occurred around Halloween.
The job has become a YEAR round expectation. Staffing issues mean being in leave category 8 have become more of a burden rather than a blessing.

I’m glad to have worked for guys like you to have learned and curated a strong work ethic and firefighting skills, but I certainly don’t empathize with your suck it up or get out attitude.


Fire 3376, I get it…38 yrs…really I get it…

Just lay off with the year round business, we say it it like it’s some kind of new phenom, well it’s not, I recall being on fires nearly every month of the year in so cal, going on a fire just before X-Mas was great, it meant that we could afford something nice for the kids…You all make it sound like you are running and gunning all year, that is not at all true, it does come to an end every year, w/out exception, it just does…Yes you need better pay…but to say you deserve it is another thing altogether…I was taught to ride for the brand…but we all complained every day that the pay sucked, but there was no other place I rather be…I was always an advocate for my folks, always…I whish you all the very best…Peace…


As it relates to historic fire events, have you driven I-5 from Portland to north of Seattle the past week and a half?

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Help me understand the point that you are trying to make, fire season in the NW west will be soon ending, look at the WX coming in, it’s over…

My bad I should have read into it a little deeper, agreed, much bigger and more destructive fires…indeed
many contributing factors, climate change is the big one, but there are other factors within our control that if addressed would certainly help…just saying…

Honestly you stating we’re not “runnin and gunnin” in the off season is quite disrespectful. With all the fuels targets, no roads department, no rec employees, and still having to staff all winter long I feel like a 2 week fire assignment is a vacation. We routinely end up with 2 to 300 hrs OT before May, so ya, we’re still busy. Also with the state of our fire staffing or lack thereof, we end up getting shit for requesting to use our annual leave.

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I often tell my boss, “I need a break from work, can I go to a fire?”


Running and Gunning-Defined by running to one fire after the next…I am very certain that this does not occur in the winter…As I said all fire seasons come to an end…some later than others…As for working hard in the winter…you bet…that’s the job…it’s year round work…it’s always been year round…going to a fire to catch a break…COME ON! Really…Maybe that true…Aggressive suppression may be a thing of the past, I come from a forest where we got after it…lay hose and punch line…that’s the job…When you reach the 8 hr leave cat you will have plenty of time to rest…We would do well to take a look at the private sector…those that work out of doors…they for the most part work way harder that we do in every inclimate condition you can imagine, when it below zero or 100 + they are there to fix it…Entitlement Aughhhhhhh! just go to work and be happy that you have a job…As I have said you all need better, as you are holding your breath waiting for it go do something…
I know that I sound out of touch, as I see it the job has not changed a wink, it’s still the same, all the same issues, better pay and benefits, I really hope you see it sooner than later…in the mean time there is a mission that needs your attention…Peace…