Can anyone confirm R5 Vallejo or WO is are working on a project, trying to figure out a way to pay FS employees portal to portal?
From what I heard, DOI notified the FS that no DOI resource assigned to any FS incident or cover assignment can use the CFR for ordered standby, ie 24 hour staffing. I guess the solicitors for DOI saying what the FS is doing is illegal and we will not allow this to happen with any of our resources.
Only one item within the IIBMH, section10-10 contains a legal reference. That’s the first bullet. All other items within the section are interpretations , opinions or just what a group of people sitting around a table came up with. Federal agencies should look into this further.
Follow up. A briefing paper has reportedly been developed on this subject. Someone from the LP is involved with Vallejo. Looking forward to someone posting the briefing paper and related items in this forum soon.
Remind me/enlighten me what is the CFR?
Code of Federal Regulations. Small book. Finish it in a day or two with tea.
Can anyone share an update about an exchange today on the all employees zoom call, between Secretary Vilsack and a Forest Service Chief Officer about pay options for federal Wildland Firefighters? I heard Vilsack called on the Chief Officer and some felt they talked prior to the zoom meeting. Is Vilsack engaged on this issue? Will something come of all this you think?
Is using ordered stand for portal to portal pay purposes under consideration by the administration to be used?
Found by smkj79, thanks for posting. Placed in here as well for the record. Please send to elected officials and others. The story just scratches the surface of the problem that is mostly being hidden from the public.
Whats Vallejo doing today?
What’s Vallejo doing today?
An ice cream scooper. 15 an hour plus tips.
Wildland Firefighter. Weeks of initial training, never stop learning, highly skilled. Physically fit. Mentally strong. Significant risks and exposures - 13.45 an hour. However if you have one year of wildland firefighter experience or a four year degree we will get you 15.10, no tips.
Randy, Anthony and Bob, what are you doing today to fix this?
The business model of the forest service doesn’t work anymore. Out of touch, Randy!
The morale issue goes beyond just the pay. I know people who would have stayed, but it was the combination of all the things that contributed to them leaving. The one thing that stuck in mind, was my engine being in for it’s annual and it taking 5 months. There was no priority to get it in and out of maintenance. To the overhead, it was just another forest service vehicle in line to get work done. It didn’t matter that it was affecting the crews income, and that a whole engine crew was sitting on their hands, during fire season.
You are correct, the morale issue goes well beyond. Randy, Vicki and Vilsack refer to us as firefighters in memo’s, all employee call’s and unfortunately funerals…but not when it comes to classification or asking Congress for the funds there is no mention.
I mean no disrespect to the “old guys” fighting the good fight and speaking up for the younger generation, but times have changed. The work, training and expectation to staff continuously through the year is what guys get super frustrated these days with. The days of getting season ending rain around Nov. 1st are over.
More over, with so many modules staffing 5 day rather than 7 day due to retention. The opportunity to gain skills (qualifications) aren’t there anymore due to staffing for the home districts, which compounds the retention and succession planning cause guys/gals can’t even get qualified if they wanted to
I don’t the reasoning for that, in the department I work for if an L.E.O. vehicle or fire vehicle needs work it goes in immediately even if it needs to be sent to a local shop for the work. Knowing keeping guys stuck at the station because of regular service vehicle is asinine.
All excellent points 3376 and Chaparral. I do recommend we focus on the most essential and imho that’s pay. We see wellness, classification, climate change, pay, etc all mixed up during hearings and meetings. It waters down what should be the central focus. Pay.
Every day, sometimes twice a day, I contact the top of the food chain at ag, doi and WH asking them to do something. I offer ideas, suggestions such as immediate pay intervention options. I ask you to do the same. I can’t even be sure someone even reads them, however maybe some persistency can build some opportunity. They have options they can implement immediately. One such option requires someone smarter than me to tell me why ordered standby portal to portal can’t be implemented tomorrow for Federal Wildland Firefighters.
Keep up the fight. Keep pressuring. Keep asking questions, inform the media of the real situation. The current staffing and retention situation is worse than 2007/2008. We must keep pushing for change.
Oregon Department of Forestry entry level pay ranges between $16.45 to $23.98. Positions are still available for anyone interested. Federal entry level pay is $13.45.
I wonder what Vallejo did today to fix this disaster? Your Federal Wildland Firefighters would like an answer Vallejo.