Wildland Firefighter Entry Level Pay

An archaic operating agency led by archaic leadership who have to lead soil samples, plants, timber, watershed, recreation, OHV, aglearn, and oh yeah the most destructive fire problem in recorded history. I love my brothers and sisters, but the days of the green/yellow/white fire rig showing and being the tip of the spear are gone. Still some great people out there and great crews holding the torch, but the group is getting smaller and smaller each pay period. Its pay, retirement, professionalism, progressiveness, equipment, facilities, and the fact that we’re led by non fire line officers why its ended up this way. I feel like there may be change in the air though. Media is blasting the issue the last month or so. FWFSA tried hard in the 2000s, grassroots and many other employees are trying their best! Other agencies need to call out fed agencies leadership!


It’s Saturday. The first full week and in some cases the first pay period has ended for many newly hired federal Wildland firefighters who are making 13.45 an hour. A week of training has been completed and another one starts next week. The training did not consist of how to use the cash register. The training did not consist of how to stock the shoe boxes or how long the microwave stays on to heat up the muffin. Those positions are paying between 14-16 an hour. The federal Wildland firefighter the training did consist of how to work as a team, how to recognize hazards, how to perform during an emergency incident within an incident and how to stay alive. 13.45 an hour. What is Vallejo doing today to solve this problem?


It has been 6 days since Vilsack had his town hall with Federal Wildland Firefighters. All quiet, no changes. Please contact Vilsack and ask him what’s the next step? You have the attention of a cabinet Secretary. A day must not go by without a reminder.



Lots of chatter that something is imminent on pay, possibly portal to portal using ordered stand for the forest service. Nothing can be confirmed. Vallejo has a tight lid on this.

Keep the pressure on.


Just noticed this. If you have an opportunity please listen in. Hard to pin down what may come out. Lots of talk about we may hear some information on the next steps. Not holding my breath, but keep asking questions. Keep hammering home your message.


Interesting day. Keep hammering. Keep the pressure on.


Let’s see if this gains any traction.


Wonder why Randy Moore would announce yesterday that portal to portal was on the table and being worked on for firefighters and support personnel?


It’s been a week since R5 Regional Forester Randy Moore mentioned on an all employees call portal to portal for federal Wildland firefighters. Opening that door on an all employees call is not something you walk away from or something taken lightly.

Vallejo must update firefighters weekly on the status of Randy Moore’s portal to portal announcement.

Ask for an update: @R5_Fire_News


He is just blowing smoke and mirrors. You really think he cares about the true work force? Just remember where he came from and some of his past comments to the employees.

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Hard to say to be honest. Maybe. I do know he cares about what citizens, families, firefighters and elected officials are telling his bosses.

Fire when Ready


As most of you know many federal Wildland firefighters working within California are paid below the state minimum wage of $14 and hour. Thanks for reminding some people of this fact.

It’s time to keep the Vallejo public affairs group busy with continuous questions on this subject from media and elected officials.



Yeah its time for some meaningful change.
A pay raise and portal to portal just seem so easy to me to stop the bleeding.

I just started with my tweet lets all hit it.


Agree and thank you. My thoughts are they won’t see us all, but if we take 2-5 mins each day and send some thoughts and ideas, be pros and outline the critical situation at hand, well maybe, just maybe, we can see change.

If we do nothing, we all know what that looks like.

Thanks again AJ

We need a hashtag

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It’s unfortunate the forest service representative wasn’t able to answer the reporters question about being ready. See 40:40 mark.

Btw calfire had a really good answer.


I am not good at that, but I will commit to doing my part and plastering it all over if we come up with one.



Added LA Times copy and paste works. Add your @ media outlet you think will listen and write.

It has been a week and 2 days since Randy Moore said they’re looking at portal to portal for FS and working with DOI partners.

What is Randy Moore doing today?

