Wildland Firefighter Entry Level Pay

Ordered standby is great for a starter, but I remember it having some issues. Are troops getting the ordered stand by on incidents? — I would guess 99 percent of the time no. That’s what we want implemented nationally while in any emergency. See earlier posts.

The one issue that I remember is that I was making more money sitting at the station on 24 hour staffing than the engines on the campaign fire on the forest were getting, because they were only making 16’s with H. —- Not an issue making a good living while not having to worry about wear and tear on the body. Or the countless other hazards. Probably best for those who staffed 24 hours at a fed station to go over the advantages/disadvantages. However I would think 24 hours is more financially speaking.

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Nice job KNF. Any other units?

I’m sure all the southern SoCal forests are on 24hr staffing pattern

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Yep. At least a couple of them.

Curious how to address the FT in the East and the South East? When there is a fire would they switch to the new WFS or do they just keep getting the FT pay? Right now only the west coast is demanding a new WF series. That FMO on the Daniel Boone NF has limited funds and only does fire suppression 1 or 2 months a year. Their going to have to figure out a procedure to pay those personnel a new pay system for when they drop their tree marking tape and spray kit and head out West for a fire assignment. And there going to have to figure out who to pay what when those “other” folks come out to support a incident. If you could address this now with a viable solution now, it would limit the federal government from coming up with a stupid solution that does not treat the other DOI and USDA-FS personnel like second hand workers.

And you need to get ALL if the DOI and FS employees who work in fire or who gave a “Red Card” behind this process, not just R5, R3, and R6 employees. They all ready understand the benefits. It’s easy for the West to see the disparity in pay on fires, but you need to show the rest of the Federal Employees the benefits of a WFS and how it will their and their family lives better.

Don’t give the law makers any options or choice’s. I’d you do, they will always choose the “cheapest”. Set the standard for all those DOI and FS employees who fight fire either full OR part-time. Have all the scenarios covered that law makers and OMB, OPM, and other Federal Agencies will bring forward. Just saying 24’s, PTP, HP for everyone will not fly very far. You all need working groups formed now, while the irons hot, to start addressing these issues and come up with defendable solutions to every question they are going to ask in committee down the road. You should find the next 'Cassey Judd" and they should be the voice of your inequity and solution group.

Just saying, start coming up with every possible solution now before some GS-15 in Washington DC does it for you. And your not going to like their solution at all.


Keep hammering @RepMcClintock for his comments about Wildland firefighters.

Strongly encourage the administration and federal agencies to think twice before implementing $1,000 checks to temps and 10% bonuses to perms. It’s not going to help stop the bleed. You need effective and substantial reform immediately.

You can do better


Just catching up and so dissapointed with the POTUS and admin for jipping the temps and a bandaid for the perma. #notenough is exactly right.

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Yes, agree. Although they did say this was a start. It’s just not a good start.

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The off forest engines covering the forest are on 24s. The folks working the Tennant fire are not.


It’s like role reversal for feds. Why want to go to a fire and work less hours.

Nationwide implementation of portal to portal using ordered standby is needed now. Not just my idea, it was Randy Moore and one of his Deputies who presented it to the Forest Fire Chiefs. Now follow through Vallejo.


Yep “unskilled labor”. Just us ditchdiggers saving lives, communities, watersheds and everything else everyone enjoys.


Baddist MFRS on the planet are unskilled. You Sir are amazing. Thank you for your support. LP DOZ3.


Called out Mcclintock today like everyone else should on twitter. What an out of touch remark. Be sure to add in all the fine folks in Washington.

Potus, vp, house and senate dems and republicans.


Thanks AJ.

I did not find the comment on his twitter. Can you post what you said?

He didnt make the comments on twitter.

Here is my tweet.


Vice President Kamala Harris makes surprise visit to Brentwood fire station to thank firefighters - ABC7 Los Angeles

For your entertainment only.


Thanks AJ for the info

Yup an ANF station only 40 mins away, considering the recent comments by the POTUS thats who she should have visited. Who are their advisors? Ive watched the entire 7 seasons of West Wing…i know how it works. Sam Seaborn would have never had let this happen.


amen to that brother!

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