Wildland Firefighter Entry Level Pay

If I am reading this correctly hrryup, an entry level gs-3 in LA locality is going to make $23.66?

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Yes you are correct. I am reading it the same as you are. Are you suggesting the bill will give “everyone” the “Rest of US” pay? I also think they would eliminate GS3s and bump up everyone. That’s the beauty of Tim Hart. It establishes a new pay scale for WFFs.

According to the comparison chart, the WFF pay scale did not make it into the Resiliency Act.

I am not sure what any of this means. But if elected officials, associations or organizations want support for this and need us to send emails and make phone calls, it might be a good idea to go back to the drawing with comparison charts and press releases and offer more specifics.

And you are also correct on WFF pay scale.

The specifics are of each option that are on table, so people can see the different paths that may pass the senate/ house and make it to the presidents desk. I wish there was a better way for all this to play out. To be transparent is better than being in the dark like we’ve been in the past. The only choice we have to advocate on both.

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For those of you looking for a collection of information.

Out of curiosity is there anyone with the forest service that still has not received back pay.

One of my employees who was seasonal hasn’t got any back pay maybe seasonals don’t?

They need to contact ASC and open a ticket.


Thanks no luck for being a perm either. ASC is not offering up any real answers.

Just heard from a chiefs meeting that somewhere up in the federal government they’re putting the kabosh on the 0456 firefighter series, hope that’s not true.

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Leave it to the Forest Circus to mess everything all up. It was signed into LAW that they must create a wild land firefighter series. Let’s see how union and employees will lawyer up and go after this. I know I will and even if cost me every dime I have. You think they want a lawsuit in their face with everything else they have going on. Stand up for our rights and don’t allow them to break the LAW.


That would surprise me if true Pushin. But nothing really should surprise us anymore. Thanks for the intel.


I’m surprised to hear that. I have heard nothing but things moving forward in a positive direction. Just had a captains meeting yesterday on our district. They said everything is moving forward and per the last grass roots webcast, the 0456 series had already been created minus the 400 PDs they have to sift through.

This makes me curious and I agree desert, many people would bring this into a legal setting if I’m this is true.

On a separate note, anyone hear on when the senate is to vote on HR 5118?

Sorry but what should we expect, I still can’t even get the back pay that a majority received. They close the cases that get open about back pay.
No body cares when you call its not their problem!!!


The article is a little off base with the terminology used, well, more than a little. However it does have a couple interesting takeaways, thought I would share. Look forward to the day when we issue Firefighter badges to our Firefighters.


Does Casey really believe that most will stay just because we are called firefighters now? I know in my circle that’s the last thing in our minds. Work life balance, pay, being proactive instead of reactive are top of our list


Not real sure what Casey thinks, but no doubt in my mind that pay is the most important. Hence the title of this thread.


Does anyone know any real info on the new job series, specifically the more permanent workforce part? I’ve heard different things about 13-13s going to 18-8 or 26-0 around the start of the fiscal year. Ive also heard it being next year. Just looking to see if anyone knows any more


Hearing OPM is doing some required work in the 0456 Firefighter series that will provide each federal agency standards to follow.

For tours. What I know is Forest Service California has been set for year round tours (26/0) for many years now. Forest Service outside California is a mixed back. Tours with the DOI Bureaus are all over the place, mainly because OWF won’t provide any direction on tours other than to say it’s a priority within BIL.