Wildland Firefighter Entry Level Pay


Lots happening recently. Haven’t dove into this much, been really busy. Anyone have any good intel on HR 5118 or any of this, let us know.


I received this odd alert. I did not see any changes in it on the bill’s page though. Something is going on, but others more in the know can explain why this laundry list of changes…

H.R.5631 - Tim Hart Wildland Firefighter Classification and Pay Parity Act (117th Congress)
Sponsor: Rep. Neguse, Joe [D-CO-2] (Introduced 10/19/2021)

Has changes in:

  • Subject
    • Subject: Cancer
    • Subject: Cardiovascular and respiratory health
    • Subject: Congressional oversight
    • Subject: Disability assistance
    • Subject: Employee benefits and pensions
    • Subject: Employee hiring
    • Subject: Employee leave
    • Subject: Fires
    • Subject: First responders and emergency personnel
    • Subject: Government employee pay, benefits, personnel management
    • Subject: Higher education
    • Subject: Mental health
    • Subject: Vocational and technical education
    • Subject: Wages and earnings
    • Subject: Worker safety and health

It could be related to this

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Did it include P2P?


Grassroots posted a comparison chart. Here’s what they posted.


What’s your take hrryup?

I would love for everything in Tim Hart to pass. It would make us “whole”. Unfortunately that’s not how congress works. This a huge step. If it passes the senate we got a little bit of the pay problem fixed. The difference is now we are considered wildland firefighters. That easier to identify that forestry tech. Mid Terms are another crucial factor that could set things back too


Thanks. First question. A GS-6 step 3 is 20.58 in Rest of US. Where do they come up with the 17.61?

That $17.71 is based of the Base GS pay Scale. “Rest of US” is its own pay scale itself

Ok. I see what you’re saying. Thanks. I hope nobody thinks 17.71 solves the problem, since they’re making about $20-21 with the BIL payments now.

Dropped P2P and entry level wage is 17.71? Trying to figure out the good here and I could very well be short-sighting this. Unless I am missing something, I don’t need to worry about them finding 10 repubs to help break a filibuster.

Well, I don’t believe anyone is on the base GS scale. I’m also curious what the pay comparisons to state/local FFs could mean. Does that mean they’ll “Look at” giving us a raise? Annual raises in the CPI is pretty good. Cause that’ll mean our pay will increase with inflation. Many Depts. And Agencies don’t have that. I think Santa Monica FD negotiated that in their contract. Looked small to the city. But over the long run. They’re being paid the same dollar amount.

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FYI. There’s a housing survey that NFFE put out. Should of gone to your GOV emails

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Thanks Hrryup. Thanks for all you’re doing.


Social Security has been tied to the CPI for years. It has definitely not kept up with the cost of living. Under President Obama, he denied the CPI increase for two years running. That did not help either. At least it gives an opportunity for a pay increase without waiting on Congressional approval.

The $17.71 is the base rate before locality pay is added.

Hope you’re right, but that’s not how I read it and if that is true, does it scale up after the GS3 to the GS-4 through to the upper grades?

That’s the same question I was pondering. What does the scale up look like? Looks like another question for the magic 8 ball. It says specifically in HR5118:

“(A) the minimum rate of basic pay for any
Federal wildland firefighter position shall be not less than the rate of pay for step 3 of GS– 6 of the General Schedule; and
(B) any such position shall receive locality pay under section 5304 of title 5, United States Code, at the rate of ‘‘Rest of U.S.’’.”

Key phrase “Rest of US”. $20.58p/hr entry level
The political players have worked out that it would be better to break it up into chunks to not bite off more than can be chewed. Easier to digest in government hearings. Thanks Hurryup and to all else helping keep the tires on the track.


I appreciate Joe Neguse’s diligence and work, more than anyone. This bill seems to be a bureaucratic mess and leaves too much in the hands of people who can screw it up.

Fairly simple Joe, entry level pay $21 an hour and scale up from there. National implementation of portal to portal pay for emergency response. This will end the managerial facade and Coercion that firefighters deal when they’re off shift and told they have the freedom and latitude to do as they determine, wink, wink. Come on, get real, they don’t. Pay em!