Wildland Firefighter Entry Level Pay

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OLD_DRHS, I’m not really sure of your true motive to be so engaged to this thread lately. But, I’m not really finding your tounge in cheek “good luck to you guys, you deserve more, but you know what you signed up for, what has anyone else done, we did a lot back in my day with little” attitude as supportive to those who are really working there butts off to make things better for this generation of wildland firefighters. Your username and stated work history makes it easy to know who you are. You were respected back in the day, so stay that way and be a part of the solution and not the negative “good luck to ya” posts you have been providing. I respect the leaders that came before me and were there when I first started my career, but some of them that moved in to forest, regional and national leadership positions are part of the reason why we are still far behind in so many areas. Change is a necessary part of any industry and our industry has needed change for a looong time. Help us and show us your old hotshot Sup skills in actions. Not just words.


FSFF-My true motive in engaging in this thread is like anyone else who cares about the FSFF, I would really like to see you guy’s have better than we had it, I would be a total hypocrite if I was rooting against you, I guess my cynical nature stems from the many years of being told that things will certainly improve just be patient…It’s extremely difficult to live in CA…I do not know how folks can do it, that’s why I left.
But I do hold to my statement that you know what you are signing up for, it’s a choice…sometimes I guess I just like to stir the pot a bit…I really do not have any longer a say in things, but I still have an opinion, I am not sorry if I offend a few folks sometimes. I have no doubt that there are those that truly have the energy and passion to move this topic to the next level, who knows that could be you, it did not happen in my 38 yrs, I hope you will not have to wait 38 yrs…Lastly your chosen profession is the very best/worst job on the planet, I think you now what I mean. Lastly I will not say GOOD LUCK…I do wish you all great success on a great many levels…Oh I do agree w/ every thing you said, well mostly…Peace OUT!

Words are all I have left…Sorry…

Next time try not to hold back, I have very thick skin…lol…


Any word on when we are supposed to get the overtime back pay

Who knows I still haven’t received the initial back pay from the very beginning. Feels like the guy from office space.


I believe we’re supposed to get our FLSA check around January sometime. The final 500+/- that we’re left behind on the lump sum are supposed to get the retrospective payment sometime this month. We’ll see how it goes.

One of my folks are one of the 4% of personnel that were erroneously left out of the lump sum. If and when they get their payment I’ll post it here.

I have one on that list as well

Good stuff in this report. Take the time to read it.

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BIL retention payments to FFers is not working. We’re not building a workforce capable to implement the millions of BIL dollars on the table. We’re not paying the workforce enough to stop our best from leaving.

Entry level pay needs to start at $22 and scale up dramatically through the ranks. This has to happen immediately.

Everyone from fire managers to national incident business specialist to line officers to Randy Moore need to be in alignment and think outside the box to implement change. I know this is painful for the old guard and for the penny pinchers who live in the world of incident finance who are tracking down incident responders because they didn’t show a 1/2 lunch break.

$22 entry level pay and scale up through the ranks.

Portal to Portal pay for all emergency assignments.

Hazard pay for prescribed fire.

The balls in the court of the fire directors, regional foresters and Randy to act, do the right thing.


I saw FLSA payments should be paid by the 28th of November. Any idea on what to expect?

28th for non exempt employees, hoping the exempt employee category follows closely!

agree, also add true overtime for all incidents/prescribed fire, and total salary(including OT/HP) to calculate high 3 for retirement.


I’ve seen some of those draft flsa overtime payments and the formula to generate the flsa overtime payment. It doesn’t seem to be as much as I had thought. Just wanted to float that in case expectations were high. Did any of you see your flsa overtime payment amount?

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Figured when looking at my FLSA it equates to roughly $1 per hour of OT on a normal check. So if that’s the case would that be my outstanding payment?

That’s sounds consistent.


Jamie and Randy, ever wonder why we don’t have a thread in here on federal firefighter job offers? Somewhat easy to figure out why.

$22 entry level pay and scale up through the ranks.

Portal to Portal pay for all emergency assignments.

Hazard pay for prescribed fire.


Not many updates coming out from Grassroots WFFs as well? Hoping for one from them on progress or where everything is at.