Wildland Firefighter Entry Level Pay

Have any feds checked their eopf file for new sf50 with “other pay” amounts recently added within the last few days?

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yes I was just in there and my “other pay” has almost doubled

Can you educate me on what it means?

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They could of used the old crisis clause to retain people. Like the first retention bonus 10 years ago. No bill has passed. It could be HR “testing” it prep for the bill. When I find out more. I’ll ensure to post it.

Don’t go buy a Truck just yet. Lol

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Did it come with a dollar figure and was this seen by Forest Service or DOI Firefighters or both?

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It did come with a dollar figure, mine was a little more than the lump sum backpay that were sent out at the beginning of the year. Haven’t heard from DOI folks but every FS FF I’ve heard from got it. But I’ve heard some pretty big variations in dollar figures that don’t seem to correlate to grade/step. Hoping for some information from the agency soon.

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Got a " retention allowance" in January, just got notification yesterday for a second " retention allowance"

Doubt it’s just them testing it with actual SF-50’s being loaded into your file.

My best guess is it goes into effect Oct 1 and they are pre loading it so we don’t have the mess we had last time.

Or they are trolling us and it was a mistake.

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DOI did not receive anything

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What did the forest service receive with this sf50 drop?

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SO if you look at box 20D on the SF50 and divide that by 26 you will get the amount additional each PP. My understanding is the current retention allowance will be replaced with the new amount from the new SF-50. In my case, it will be an additional 1400.00 per pay period

Starting in October 1?

$1,400 a pay period?

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the new amount is double what we are getting now. so it will be an additional $700ish a pay period. i’ve loving the money, but hope there is an offical announcement about it as many folks are already skeptical

So you can’t confirm it at this time Halley?

yes 1400.00 per P/P

I can confirm i and every other FS firefighter i’ve talked to has an SF-50 showing the new amount of additional pay to be almost double what was shown on previous SF-50s

If you see something on this come through official channels, please share. Seems like this could have been a Labor Day surprise.

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Likely an HR error. But I hope not.

Time to make this Happen!

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You might be hearing from your leadership and others that over the weekend firefighters received an SF-50 that states they received a bonus that is much greater than what they have been receiving as part of the BIL firefighter pay provision. The WO is aware of the issue. Additional information/communications will be sent shortly.

Joe Norrell
Assistant Director