Wildland Firefighting PPE Student Survey (Updated LINK)

Hello all! I am apart of a student group at The University of Arizona. We are performing research on Wildland Firefighting and the PPE within the industry. We have spoken to Hotshots, Wildland Coordinators, Fire Chiefs, and many more. Gained so much respect and gratitude for this profession.

We would appreciate if any Wildland Firefighters or those working in the industry could help with our project and fill out this survey: [https://qfreeaccountssjc1.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_4HEYVHqcxOYU5cG]
The purpose of our project is to find potential areas of improvement with PPE and better understand the profession. It should take in between 5-10 minutes. Thank you all very much!


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Thank you I will re-post, appreciate it

Link is updated now, thank you for your feedback.


Hi there. I just spent 10 minutes filling out the survey; great job on this project. I’d like to recommend adding more questions regarding the respiratory area. Questions such as ‘is your breathing somewhat restricted while wearing such device’, ‘how easy is it to don/doff your respiratory device’, does your respiratory device have a proper, updated filter’, or ‘does your respiratory device hinder your sight, hearing, or when you communicate’. Again, well done!