WY-MRF-Badger Creek

State ID: WY
3 letter designator: MRF
Fire name: Badger Creek
Location: 25 miles north of Walden, CO/5 miles from the WY-CO state line
Reported acres: 5,250
Rate of spread: Rapid
Report on Conditions: extreme fire behavior, wind driven (to the north and east) with torching and spotting; a Type one team will take over the fire Wednesday morning.
Structure threat: Numerous subdivisions evacuated in the Woods Landing area along highway 10 in Colorado.
Resources: 4 hotshot crews, 1 T2 crew, T1 helo, T3 helo, AA, engine crews worked the night shift last night for evacs and structure protection
Hazards: Highway 230 and Highway 10 are closed from Woods Landing to the state line.
Weather: hot, dry, windy- strong SW winds expected
Radio channels:
Scanner link:
Webcam link:
Agency Website: https://inciweb.nwcg.gov/incident/5836/

Map of the Badger Creek fire
