Chief Morris is on record that a 48/96 won’t work because of commute times for Northern California Folks. Multiple Depts in SoCal work a 48/96, 2/4 Kelley, Modified Kelly, 2 2 4 2 2 8 and so on.
Schedule B can be worked A shift, B shift, relief Shift. I know I’ve worked it and built crew cohesion. Had to travel “suit case kid” but made it work.
The biggest problem is SCO IS ON RECORD and WILL NOT entertain a 14 day work period. So a 56 is a dream for a 28 day work period. Put a different way, TUU barely breaks 1,000-1,100 calls a year. Employees who travel for work, would give up most, if not all financial benefits of a 48/96 in fuel costs, wear & tear.
The 66 works as a 3/4, 3/4, 2/5, 3/4 to get 11 days in a 28 day work period. The ENTIRE state has to goto some form of rotating schedule. Which is what every other Dept that works a Kelly does. We still have units where Employees “Bid” to work Mon-Tue-Wed. Ask someone who works in the
The single and double days at work period break have some of the highest SICK DAYS. Which only compounds the force hiring. Finally, the best thing the 66hr does is get the FAE to FC ratio close to 1:1 as opposed to the 2:3 (2FAE to fill 3FC) spots.
Hence the hiring of open list FC and the a continuing lose of our culture at the FC Level. Which is wear its most desperately needed. Simple things like Subsistence, Month Ends, that FF learned during seasons 3-4-5 don’t happen anymore.