66 Hour Work Week

Here you go

Here is the original language

Pay particular attention to Section C and D in the Reducing the 72hr Duty Week.


Take the time to read this article. SEIU is the SINGLE largest union in California. The Governor is already being forced to go back on things he just signed into law 3mo ago. The bottom line is this, until the tax basis is corrected to a less expensive, less volatile method. This swings in revenue will continue.

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Tamp down the hyperbole. Let say Calfire has 6000 employees. Adding a third shift (which the 66 hour work week doesn’t) would roughly be 3000 extra employees. At 175K (!!)/employee that would be a little over 500 million. The proposal just for the 66 hour work week is an extra $770 million. That is why I’m optimistic the will not be a PERSable income drop.

Talking with some who have been at bargaining sessions, this is never the mentality of labor.

This was bad, however you pick your battles. There was never any way our little union was going to buck the political landscape at the time. This had nothing to do with negotiations. We were just swept along with the bigger players at the time.


Loss of 3@50 wasn’t bargaining’s fault. Can’t bargain for employees you have t hired yet. Gov. Brown took advantage of that loophole and made it apply to all “future hires” at the time…


Also need to remember, PEPRA is a law. So bargaining can’t circumvent it.


This is interesting if true and approved by the members.

Let’s see if a "Fiscal Emergency " gets declared.


Does CSU bargain every year? Or do they picket once a year? Seems like a lot of negotiations recently.

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Budget proposal is asking for 105 new FCs and 104 new FAEs statewide for the B side 66 hour implementation. I’m guessing these positions would be used to take up the 6 hour reduction in hours worked. These positions are funded w/additional money. The Governors budget proposal shows no reduction in money for current employees. Roughly you need one additional FC/FAE for every 12 FC/FAE in a unit. Not sure how many line FC/FAEs there are statewide but this would take care of about 2500 of them.

If the schedule does result in a 3-3-3-2 pity the poor schedule maker.


66 hour workweek ?
A schedule “B” nightmare, when you add in Holiday, Sick Leave and Vacations.

You’ll get paid for less duty hours, but it could result in more days on duty. May be a 72 hour duty schedule. Just a thought…:eyes:

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How so? Also, the union is bargaining for less hours in the work week with no loss in compensation.

“Your not losing compensation, your just working less hours”


If you are the type of person that cares about money more than time off, there will be plenty of OT available… so that would be a non issue.

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It won’t be a nightmare. It’ll actually make it easier to schedule.

Can you explain? In an ideal world for scheduling purposes, you would want that extra FTE to fill in the one day/month the other 12 FTEs don’t have to work. To make that happen would entail shifting a lot of FTEs workweeks around. Now I haven’t taken a deep dive into this, I’m just looking at it from 20,000 feet. Its obviously doable, will just be interesting to see the end product.

As mentioned in the original post, lots of logistics to work out.

Set shifts or in the units that are going to/are already rotating. It’s known way ahead of time what the open day(s) are going to be. The world of shift shafting to save the state a dime and screw the employee has/will be coming to a glorious fireball of an end.


Nothing concrete on the 66… But more importantly we can now rock handlebars!!!


Captains and above? :joy:


Those non-monetorial feel goods for sure!

Basic crew boss.


We aren’t taking a loss in compensation. The raises to get to the no loss in compensation have already been handed out and implemented. The bargaining team will always fight to get us more money.

If it was up to Sacramento HQ and the state government everyone but Schedule A contracts would be on a 4 day work week and we would be getting paid at the same wages as the USFS. I really don’t understand why the union haters don’t do their research before attempting to bash on them, because there is a lot of false information being pushed as truth just based off the fact that folks have been around for 25+ years. Length of time doesn’t equate to being correct, but we do need to take history into account as well.

We are closer than ever to a 56 hour work week and for those that think we will still have the abundance of OT, you will be in for a scary surprise. Schedule A contracts will always have OT, but the B side will dry up in a year or two unless you are on assignment. Time to find another side hustle for spending cash.


Any updates? New Talks of takes and giveaways? Leave it all alone and just give us raises? Toro Toro…

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