66 Hour Work Week

Brothers and Sisters of CAL FIRE Local 2881, I am pleased to announce that we have successfully negotiated a new 2-year contract agreement with the State. This new tentative agreement, pending membership ratification, reflects this Union’s ongoing commitment to improving working conditions, benefits, and overall job satisfaction for all members. This was a long process and almost every article of the MOU was on the table. The bargaining team proposed every pay differential in the 1500 section of the Local 2881 Constitution and Bylaws. Below are many of the significant accomplishments that reflect changes throughout the contract:

  • MOU language was updated in many articles to provide clarity to the members’ benefits.
  • No reduction to leave accruals or health benefits.
  • The Joint Labor Management Committee will continue to work toward reducing the workweek to the industry-standard 56-hour workweek. (14.6)
  • The timeliness of pay warrant issuance process has been streamlined to benefit employees. (5.3.2)
  • Section 8.1 has been eliminated, FFI’s are now 8.2 employees.
  • All 8.2 and 8.3 members will be working a 66-hour duty week effective November 1, 2024, with NO LOSS in pensionable compensation due to a base salary adjustment. On Nov 1, 2024 all ranks will make AT LEAST what they are making today while being scheduled 24 hours less a month. (8.2)
  • Every Unit Chief shall meet with Chapter/District Labor to select which one of the three following unit-wide shift pattern models will be assigned to personnel working Shift Pattern 1 in each unit: (8.6)
  1. Platoon Forward

  2. Platoon Backward

  3. Modified Kelly

  • All personnel currently assigned to Shift Pattern 4, with the exception of fuels crews, will now be available for assignment to shift pattern 1 with management approval beginning November 1, 2024. (8.2)
  • With Unit Chief approval, Fire Protection Employees assigned to Shift Pattern 1 or 2 may respond during standby hours from an alternate location (
  • Qualified Non-Classified Paramedics are now incentivized daily when working voluntary paramedic overtime to help alleviate forced overtime beginning November 1, 2024. (17.xx)
  • Fire Mission Pay for 8.4’s will be for the entire Peak season (17.14)
  • Forestry Fire Pilots will now receive new incentives related to their specialized programs beginning November 1, 2024 (17.xx)
  • CAL FIRE LEOs will now have new incentives for their specialized training and FTO assignments beginning November 1, 2024 (17.xx)
  • Travel claim reimbursement rates have been updated to mirror the Federal Standard
  • ALL BU8 Employees will receive General Salary Increases (GSI) over the duration of the agreement
  • Firefighter I classification will receive a Special Salary Adjustment effective November 1, 2024
  • The duration of this agreement is 2 years, and will expire on June 30, 2026

We understand the importance of making an informed decision, and we want to ensure you have all the necessary information. In the coming days, we will provide you with additional information and explanations regarding the new MOU including detailed information on salary adjustments and pay incentives. This will enable you to thoroughly review the terms and prepare for the upcoming ratification vote.

Thank you for your continued dedication and support.

Best Regards,

Peter Boctor

State Rank & File Director


Very curious what they are calling Modified Kelly

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Why the exception for the fuels crews? Training and EMS can go to shift pattern 1 but they can’t? Curious as to why that was hidden.


Now the big question what are you guys losing hopefully nothing. Can there be some more information on those schedules if anyone knows.


What about the recent $1.71/hr. the per pay period loss resulting in $176.13 in overtime many mentioned??

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As I read this it would appear that shift pattern 1 will not be available to HFEO’s. I have been told by several union officials that the goal was a 66 hour work week and shift pattern 1 for all fire protection positions. I will wait for all of the “additional information” to come out in the next few days but it would appear to be a large blow to the HFEO rank, being the only fire protection position not able to be assigned shift pattern 1… the selling point of a 66 hour ww has been "an additional pay period off duty per year without loss of compensation. Well moving from shift patter 2 to shift pattern 1 is the exact same thing, we will see

Broad generalities without specifics is exactly what this leads to, hopefully the union takes note.

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How are you getting that? From my interpretation the employees not included would be those in 8.3/8.4:

Forestry Field
Trainee Forestry
Assistant I and II
Forestry Technician
Forestry Aid
Air Operations Officer I, II and III
Air Operations Officer I, II and III (M)
Fire Prevention Officer I and II
*Forester I (non-supervisory)
Fire Prevention Assistant
Fire Prevention Specialist I and II
Forestry Logistics Officer I

Looks like HFEO’s fall into 8.2 and thats further validated by this definition:
“Fire protection employees are those who (1) have been trained and have
the legal authority and responsibility to engage in the prevention, control
or extinguishment of a fire of any type; and (2) perform activities which are
required for and are directly concerned with the prevention, control or
extinguishment of fires, including dispatch and such incidental nonfirefighting functions as housekeeping, equipment maintenance, lecturing,
attending training drills and conducting inspections. Typically this includes
most Unit 8 employees.”

Damn, Cal Hr didn’t leak it this time.


I was pulling that from the fact that HFEO’s currently work a 72 hour DUTY week, but on shift pattern 2, with averages 72 hours over two weeks. So with that in mind a 66 hour duty week could still be assigned, but on a shift pattern 2 again. Like I said I will wait for more info to come out but at first glance it appears that shift pattern 1 is not available to HFEO.

It’s says no loss in pensionable compensation.

What does that mean for our EDWIC pay?

If there’s no loss in compensation then that would mean if EDWC goes down, then salary must come up to close the gap


The loss in EDWC will be rolled into the base salary. There by also increasing the overtime hourly rate. Not only will base compensation not be lowered, any shift of worked overtime will also be higher than current pay.


It doesn’t say that at all. It says no loss in pensionable compensation. To me that says EDWIC will be going down. And salary will stay the same.


Hey, y’all remember when I said it was gonna be a Kelly? Lol


Now I see why no one tells us anything. We are literally told the highlights and we’re still looking to burn em at the stake. Just read the portions of the MOU that are reflected, be ready to ask your questions from an informed perspective, and keep the coffee table knitting circle opinions in check with a heathy dose of self-informed objectivity. Then cast your vote…


EDWC is Part of your Persable compensation.

To have no loss in Persable income, Salary has to go up of offset the lower EDWC value due to fewer EDWC hours.

Higher salary, higher OT rate as as less of the you compensation will be on the OT side, you will also pay a combined lower level of taxes every month.


You know what? You’re right. I stand corrected.

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You’re right. My bad.

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One and One will be hell to
Commuter units.