66 Hour Work Week

From L2881

Due to increased fire activity, the Town Hall is canceled this evening. We will send out a video update from President Edwards regarding the budget and contract negotiations.

So let me get this straight. The people who don’t respond to calls can’t do a town hall and answer predetermined emailed questions?? So instead you get a rehearsed edited video.

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Probably a good idea considering most wouldn’t be able to attend. We wanted communication about contract negotiations and were getting it… still upset?

Just seems like more excuses. There is always a reason they don’t take live questions. Was hoping the town hall would be less rehearsed than an edited video. Maybe get some honest real answers.

Not mad at all just disappointed in the union and how it treats the membership.


Still upset
This is now the 2nd time a townhall has been canceled.
While the fire activity, 4 CF IMT’s Currently deployed and nationwide the planning level is 5. The continued lack of information is unacceptable.

Our dues pay for many different technologies, including the GOING DIRECT PODCAST.

The dept can put out video updates weekly and sometimes daily. We all understand everyone is getting tired and it’s not even August or Santa Ana season in the south.

So yes, upset, because of the continued obfuscation with information from LEADERSHIP.


From my understanding, I don’t believe it was ever meant to be live questions. That’s why they said to submit questions beforehand to that form through the union website. All I can say is when it comes time to vote, use your voice.

:100: THIS!!!

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No they obviously would have the questions before hand but at least be able to answer them live without being edited. Might seem trivial to you but maybe some authentic answers other than “we are continuing to fight for better pay and working conditions. We hear your concerns.”

It’s obvious there is no transparency. The ‘missing link’. Everything is shrouded in questions. I’ve watched it for 40+ years. Nothing new here except for the people. If a ‘reasonable amount’ of transparency existed this post wouldn’t be full of the questions and uncertainties that exist…


I disagree with the lack of communication, yes the $1.71 down an hour. The rumors and unknowns what scare and confuse us. Yes myself included stirs the pot. This morning seeing the Park run to 45K puts things into perspective.

The CALFIRE machine just keeps growing and takes what it can. It’s our jobs as Men and Woman of the Dept. is to be better than the state machine. Keeping attitudes high and looking out for each other, training our new FC’s FAE’s, FF’s. WE ALL TOGETHER IS WHAT MAKES CALFIRE. Management will do things right. Leaders will do the right thing. Be safe, take care of one another, get home. And HAVE FUN.


Mod Request: Hey everybody…It is completely understandable that everybody is frustrated right with this. In light of the tremendously evolving live incidents, would it be alright with you all to hold your comments about this very personally impactful thread until things slow down a bit? We, the Mods pretty much need to read and review every thread constantly. If we can self contain ourselves on this one for a bit, that would help us not have to close it and would help us not shifting from live events to read this one. Your help in this would be a very big help.

Thank you in advance,



No one makes anyone read this thread. Seem that anytime people say certain things on here that they get silenced let people talk and say what they feel and think as long as it’s appropriate.


The moderators read through every thread and all posts to make sure they meet requirements. What Keith is asking for is a tactical pause for the day because there are some heavy operations happening on the ground right now. Give these guys a break so they can pay attention to the incidents. Ive got budies in Forest Ranch right now and Im sure they do to.


Edward’s just posted his video. Didn’t divolge much but explained why he can’t.Thank You Tim, a bit over due, but thats all we have been asking for.


Anyway to get a link to us members that don’t have login info

Try here https://vimeo.com/990352974


Hopefully, for the same reason the town hall was canceled, will provide even a small bit of leverage too our team.

Thank you to our union for putting this video out. I know it didn’t answer the vital questions but it did address the large issues many of us have been wanting to hear. I do applaud them for the communication and for sharing what they could. I feel more clear on the goal of bargaining and communications.


Just to add insult to injury, I’m hearing from a trusted source that OPEB is going up the maximum possible per the MOU (0.5%) retro to July 1.

That’s another pay cut for all those hours worked this past month.

I get that this was agreed to in the MOU, but it feels like a slap in the face in exchange for risking your life for weeks on end away from your family.


I heard the same last week as well. OPEB turned into an inflatable balloon. :dollar: :balloon: :arrow_up:

Looking forward to mid October and the vote to lose one day a PP to justify


Another gotcha moment they just keep coming. Sounds like a Gut punch almost daily with this outfit.