Sure, at 2881 HQ
So, from that response I take it that the President is taking the approach that his decision not to share information to the membership, based on his approach as you said, is more important than educating the membership unless he can be face to face. The problem with that is it’s fire season and people are all over. Therfore, he can not communicate and blame it on fire season. There is a way to communicate, some just choose not to do it. Of course, all of that must be taken into account during union leadership election time. Got it!
From experience, when leadership has good news they will stop at nothing to bask in it and find ways to share it, when their is dark news and all communication goes dark, it’s a bad omen! You decide where we are at!
I think it’s just the current leaderships preference to not disperse preliminary info (hearsay) prior to solidification. But yes, if that’s detrimental to the locals well being, then it should be taken into account during election for sure.
So basically you can’t see NDA interesting you have to go to Sacramento to see it nothing fishey here. Typical sounds like for you guys no information everything someone has asked on here they either get a blanket statement or a canned answer.
You can see any of the union documents in person at HQ. Including the JLMC notes on the 66. They aren’t electronically dispersed so that things can’t be used against 2881 during bargaining. The info in the wrong hands could be detrimental to the success of the bargaining team.
Please explain how. If we are being upfront and honest and genuine in the bargaining process, there should be nothing that could be used against us in these documents. Unless there is something that I don’t understand.
Can’t disagree with this statement any more than saying the LEADERSHIP is trying to hide something
Fact President Edward’s signed every page of the recently expired agreement
Fact President Edward’s knew full well the Medical Benifit had a sunset clause when the agreement expired
Fact L2881 Attorneys were party to the agreement and knew it expired as well when it was signed.
Fact we all got approx 22 months, or $260 x 22 =$5720 in supplemental medical benifits that was not used for PERSable compensation but used for the purpose of calculating OT for the members.
Fact it will be a very long year. Most members are working days, weeks on end and even blacking out WP. Losing approx $1,000/mo in lost OT and supplemental medical insurance.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again
Instead we got an email AFTER THE FACT.
However, the language that the State relies upon for its claim that the benefit sunsets, appears
in other parts of the MOU where that same language does not sunset those provisions of the
MOU. We believe that the language of the MOU as well as the clear intent of the parties support
the position that this benefit continues unless and until it is negotiated away. General principles
of labor law and the interpretation of collective bargaining agreements stand for the fact that
most terms and conditions of employment continue upon expiration of the agreement unless
they are clearly and unequivocally sunset, or are precluded by law from continuing absent a
new agreement.
Clearly this was a communication error and the payment was expected to continue based on how it was worded in the previous MOU pending no new contract was in place, which it never is by July 1.
This is one thing I’ve never understood. I don’t remember when a new MOU has come out before the previous one ended.
For this MOU, it’s been known for two years when the contract ends. Why can’t 2881 deliver the notice to start negotiations a year or more in advance so there’s adequate time to complete negotiations before it expires?
Like I said before, I think a majority of this falls on CalHR, but why can’t adjustments be made to avoid this?
Honest questions, not trying to pick a fight.
I was told even though negotiations started much earlier, they had to wait until the budget was set so they could see what the 66 and other things would look like.
Then wouldn’t it stand to reason that nothing sunsets in the mou. Including the ability to withdraw from the union. But I bet if you called they would say you have to do it within the last 30 days of the previous contract.
You can withdraw from the union at any time with written notice. I’ve seen it happen, and also have seen people regretfully request to be reinstated.
I think what chaps most peoples behind is the way in which we found out. The MOU clearly states it sunsets, so we should have known better. Most of us found out from our AOs or personnel departments. I’m sure the union was aware and fighting to keep it behind the scenes, but much like the last MOU agreement, the department beat them to the punch.
Fair or not, the perception is the union was caught off guard. I understand wanting to put out only set in stone facts, but there’s got to be some value in setting the narrative.
Pretty sure we’d be tickled pink with a one sentence email, “We’ve reached an agreement, more details to follow”.
I think that’s the main issue here. Maybe our Union is getting all they said. But in this day and age, narrative is a big thing. I know you can make the argument that if you put too much out there you show your cards. But with communication specialist and multiple ways to get information from Cal HR or CAL FIRE, who do you think is going to get the information out first. The lack of information flow in an Information age is creating a bad spin for our Union. Yes use the podcast or SOMETHING, to discuss the major issues. You could also argue that maybe the information said on those gets used against them, yes absolutely. But we seem to have no issues putting things in writing for our pamphlet. Be more aligned with the message prior to the beginning of the podcast. But quite frankly the amount of time spent on hearing about fundraisers and how membership had a great time at an event, those are small ramps to the platforms regarding the real issues. It’s like those podcasts just became a bunch of guys telling each other how great they are. No offense, but it comes across that way. I was truly hoping those would be more informative. But it seems, that controlling the narrative has been narrowed to standing on the capital steps a few times a year for a photo op. At some point if we keep doing the same thing, it just becomes a broken record and nobody tunes in to hear your message. Which I think they do have and at times have done it well. It just needs more professional help to get them communicating on the next level. I don’t want them to fail is what I’m saying, I want them to just be better at messaging and communicating to members. I value and respect all of what our Labor Leadership has accomplished. I’m saying it now has become more obvious that there are parts we can improve upon.
Doing the right thing when nobody is watching.
It is now a value of our department. WE ALL are stewards of the taxpayers contributions to state government.
Transparency is never wrong, even when it painful. At the end of the day INTEGRITY is what matters.
This. A million percent this.
If we can’t say it in public then we shouldn’t be doing it.
My OT rate went down $1.71 an hour.
And another day tics by with nothing from the union but history lessons on IG.
Mine as well