66 Hour Work Week

160k for a seasoned fast food manager, that’s it? I know a seasonal who crushed that

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That fast food guy worked 40hrs a week. If a seasonal crushed that he had no life except work. Big difference


The great badge give away. No experience required. 2nd season your ready for FAE.


In N Out is NOT McDonald’s.

They currently have a better than 80% retention rate for all employees hired

They are AT WILL employees who are told during Orientation that if the store is slow, lower seniority employees will be sent home before their scheduled shift ends. That is agreed to and signed by the employees during on-boarding.

Their managers make 6-figures plus a PERFORMANCE BONUS based upon “burgers per hour” on a daily/weekly/monthly basis. It’s all about PRODUCTION.

They are owned by ONE PERSON and she is family who took over the company from her father and grandparents

They have always paid $2/hr above the minimum wage.

They interview ALL NEW EMPLOYEES with things like Tattos, face piercings, etc being disqualifying criteria.

Yet, they are still recruiting at almost every restaurant due to the every shrinking labor pool.

Put another, more simple way. They are competing for the same shrinking blue collar labor pool that the fire service is hiring from.


Just a what ever it’s worth observation from an old CF retired has been. Been retired a few years now.

Everyone needs to think about your ‘whole compensation package’ (INCLUDING RETIREMENT), not just your base salary and hours. I keep seeing LG brought into this. Well long term the grass isn’t greener on the other side of the fence in most cases. I worked along side LG guys my whole career. Many making much more than me and working less hours. Guess what? Now I’m making $1200-$2000 more a month in retirement than they are. Why? My medical is paid for, theirs isn’t. I also see some LG guys actually making less.

I’ve been thru many CF contracts and the bargaining thing many times. Always fight for the best and go for broke. Just don’t lose sight of ‘everything’ during the laborious, frustrating process. I almost jumped ship many years ago to LG for better pay and hours. I’m sure as hell glad I didn’t. I’d be making less in retirement. I cherish my CF career. It was good to me and offered me many opportunities LG wouldn’t have.

If you feel LG is better there is NOTHING stopping you from jumping ship and doing so!? You may find out you didn’t have it so bad after all. Especially when you retire, which many young guys don’t given serious thought to yet. :wink: I’m seeing several LG folks quitting, freezing their PERS and going to CF for a few years so that can be vested in the medical and then retire. I sure don’t see them complaining lol.

I absolutely wish you guys the very best and keep up the fight. Just don’t lose perspective on stuff. Look at the whole picture. There is a LOT involved.

Oh and I love the Fast food comparison LOL! Couldn’t imagine what my retirement would be like after an exciting 33 years of flipping burgers. I sincerely doubt they have the benefits, experiences an pride I have lol.


That “fast food guy” worked more that 288 hrs a month and didn’t get paid for a lot of it and no 3 month vacay. That single, no kids seasonal worked his ass off to live outside the US and pay cash on a beach house and still gets to collect a check during their layoff. What should we call this game? “Not really jobs better than ours”?


You can’t compare a manager of a store to an entry level seasonal fire fighter for the state.
Private industry makes money while government consumes tax dollars.
How many private industry jobs will pay you your entire life even if your not working?
How many private or government jobs provide lifetime medical?
If you want to work 40 scheduled hours without disruption to your life/work balance you’ve picked the wrong job.
If you don’t want emergencies to disrupt your ability to have time off, you’ve chosen the wrong job.
If you only care about your hourly rate you need to see the big picture.
If you think you need to leave CAL FIRE due to forces you need choose insanely carefully.
If you do leave CAL FIRE for another agency, you need to adapt to that culture and their standards, good and bad.


Could not of stated this any better. I often thought about going over to an LG department. Base Salary and hours were the big draw. I’m glad I stayed with CDF/Cal Fire. I have many friends that are paying for their Health Care out of pocket after retirement(Big Bucks). Their Dept. paid for it when they were working, but not after retirement. In a couple cases their spouses went to work to cover their Healthcare.


I seem to remember, not too many years ago, CDF was picking it’s new troops from the Federal agencies that had a lot of money and time training their troops only to have them go Red for more money. Sounds like same game with new team in doing the picking. :thinking:


The post was about McDonald’s employees (presumably “burger flippers”). Not In N Out Management

An applicant for manager must have a 4 year degree or need not apply
( at In-N-Out ).


In-N-Out promotes from within.
They identify future managers and pay for their education while they are lead employees and 4th managers.

They are in something similar to an Apprenticeship program with formal education in business management


Seems this thread is going in a strange direction, distracted by someone comparing our Fire Fighters pay to IN N OUT employees which is weird.

That chain is obviously ridiculously successful and almost always running full capacity every day! The workers inside always appear to be busy and not slacking while working hard. I have never personally had a bad experience dealing with their employees.

Only reason I mention the above facts is to say if there is a fast food employee I believe deserves to be paid well it’s an IN N OUT employee. Also I believe those skills and demeanor probably directly transfer to their personal lives and relationships.

I’m not saying they are all upstanding citizens in their days off however, like we invest in our employees with the hopes of making them better people as well as workers. I feel the same sort of aim from that company by their standards and practices simply based on the consistency in quality service and product in every location they occupy.

If you ask me we are much more similarly run then people might think. Those employees will never experience the bad trauma or enjoy the nostalgia of good times we get from doing this job.


I’m just happy my 2 seconds of research, a copy and paste article( I’ll be real I didn’t read it) caused so much controversy.

I honestly wanted the link to the garbage man pay. Men at work was one of my favorite movies.

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I’m actually applying to In n out right now. I’m sold.


Back on track…

Have been told by management, that the portion of the MOU pertaining to Transfers from out of the Unit has been removed? That a unit no longer has to take transfers.

Surprised I haven’t heard of this yet. I can’t see why the Department or the Union would be OK with this. Does anyone have any details?

Wait, so basically a unit could never take out of unit transfers?

I guess it’s for the time period we “transition” until full staffing for the 66. Life of this contract?

If this is true, this seems like one of those bad ideas where group thinking happened and nobody gave a counterpoint.

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