66 Hour Work Week

I agree, what happened to this? 3, 3-4s with a 2-5 at the end.
Lemme guess, doesn’t work with a state clock? Hopefully the union prints some yearly shift cards for our wallets.

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The house always wins…it always has and always will. In some form or another the guys and gals on the floor will get screwed. We didn’t lose any vacation but who knows if they make us use hour for hour on our AAV or cap our vacation hours at 640 and cash us out. I’m a no change kinda guy. How about an actual raise. What some of the younger firefighters don’t understand is it’s about quality time off, that’s where we win right now with our current formula on burning hours. We all know that after 10, 20, 30 days on 4 days off isn’t enough to reset and get your mind right. Even after 3 days sometimes feels like 100 days. Our current AAV is great and that’s where we really get back the quality time with our families. Like I said the house always wins we’re gonna get boned someway somehow to what extent? Who knows at this point but those are the questions we need to ask.


??? Our vacation use calculation isn’t changing at all. Did you not read the tentative agreement? This is a clear raise and leads to more quality time at home. Not sure where you’re getting your info from, but it’s clearly outlined in this agreement. The only people I’ve heard complaining are ones that think “there won’t be enough OT now”. As if that’s a valid issue to argue for.

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I’ve heard the same complaints about the OT. I’m still not sold so it’ll be good to actually ask some questions from our Union Officers. Not completely against but definitely have more questions.


Next paragraph says they will meet and confer.


Then the next paragraph says, The Union agrees to waive mediation in the event of an impasse…

In 2024 the garbage truck driver make that works a 40 and is home every night!


….the unit chiefs have been told or will be told when they meet in the coming days with their region chiefs they will sit and come to an agreement with their respective chapters/districts.

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Saw this on a fb group


So I can see there’s a lot of mixed feelings with what’s being passed and how’s it’s gonna be set up. But off topic, does anyone think that after the agreement is up in june 2026 is the timeline they’re pushing for the 56?

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If they want are worried about OT send them to Fresno, I hear they have plenty of OT. Giving forces out like candy lately


The staffing for 66, let alone 56 won’t be in place for 3-5yr without even more force hire days.

My gut tells me 2028-2030 for a fully staffed and scheduled 56.

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We could always move to the 56 before having the staffing in place though, just like we’re doing with the 66. I’d say they would take into account the ability to fill holes over the next two years and see if it’s feasible.

The new modified schedule is pretty damn close to a 56hr schedule already!

To get a true 56hr schedule, SCO has to be willing to change from 13 to 26 PP.


Look reason why I ask about 56 is cause in the north ops area theyre slamming guys already to get FF1(out of hand crews). Taking people from the CCC like candy. But even when I was hired on with a hand crew they were hiring whoever.

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This is the peak behind the curtain. Unfortunately CAL FIRE, due to the massive amounts of employees needed, will begin to get a less qualified candidates unless some management approaches are changed to make big shifts to the Department’s HR dynamics. Unless this happens, the Department will further be used as a spring board agency, spending time and money on employees only to lose them to other departments.

This is not new news.

CAL FIRE will need to analyze its permanent status hiring process in order to retain the caliber of employees needed to perform the job in a permanent status role. Simply going to a 56 is not going to fix the issues of the fire service, when it comes to CAL FIRE responsibility. Is it a great step, yes…but everything has an equal or greater reaction. And for some reason we aren’t discussing those, at least openly.

What ultimately may need to happen is, CAL FIRE will need to have a schedule A and B branches from the top down, True deputy directors, not functional mangers with the title of deputies. Those persons will be solely responsible for administering the liabilities and responsibilities of those branches, almost as if they were two separate departments. One Director with two separate branches of fire service responsibilities. This would require a reorganization of many functions near the top. But it is doable, and many discussions would need to happen to make this a reality. But who am I. No one…


Link? I ask every FFI that I hear cry the “McDonalds employees blah blah blah” to show me a fast food stub with 288 hours a month on it?


Or the paid holidays, paid SL, ,FMLA and multitude of other benefits


Well actually…


Or lifetime medical. The CALFIRE benefit package is still one of the best in the profession. I know retired guys from big well paying departments that have to foot the bill for health insurance. Remember total compensation package. With that said I hope progress continues to be made with hours worked