66 Hour Work Week

burn or trade the single


The 3 southern units (BDU, RRU, SDU) have been rotating for 3+yr.
That’s approximately 25% of suppression employees.

RRU does it every PP :-1::-1::-1:
BDU & SDU every other (6 times a yr)
Everyone gets 1-2 1 day weeks (beginning/end of PP)
And 2-3 2 day rotations.

Senior bidding employees take these days first.
Burn 1-2 days to get 8 days off…

I’ve personally seen people bid 26 working days & take 100 days off with VDO days.

The schedule sucked at first. But it’s easy now that I’m use to it. HUGE P.I.A. for BSC.

RRU has a “large” call off problem on 1 & 2 day shifts.


I don’t think there was a good understanding of this during the big push for the 66

Looking at it now. The 3 on 1 off 1 / 1 on 1 off 2 on is gonna suck for commuters.


Yep. Hopefully the union can clarify but it’s ultimately up to the Unit Chief on what each unit will choose. What was sold to us during the meetings was a 3 on 4 off, 3 on 4 off, 3 on 4 off, 2 on 5 off and then repeat with your same duty schedule. I would be totally fine that.


All version have a few 1 day shifts, this is what we just counted, only look at Forward rotations

1 WP Rotation :5
2 WP Rotation : 3
1 WP Kelly :3
2 WP Kelly :2

Everything out the window on a leap year :dizzy_face:‍:dizzy:

Honestly, well worth it for the progress. Especially when you can burn a day and get 9 days off on those weeks. I believe that would be standard practice.


A couple fall weird , one day off one day on, 3 days off. But yest most allow for a mini vacation

Why only looking at forward schedules? Just curious?

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There are never solutions just trade offs:

72 hour pay is monthly (12 salary checks) and EDWC(13 overtime checks one per pay period)
Equals total pensionable compensation for the year
12x13 156 working days for people on straight 72
14x13 182 working days for HFEOs etc on 2 1/2 3 1/2
16x13 208 working days for FC B’s on 4 day schedule

66 hour pay is monthly (12 salary checks) and EDWC(13 overtime checks one per pay period)
Equals total pensionable compensation for the year
11x13. 143 working days for ALL suppression personnel
13 less days per year per person from straight 72
39 less days for people on 2 1/2, 3 1/2
65 less days for people on 4 day schedule

So total dollar per number of days worked is greater on the 66 so common sense is yes it’s a pay increase due to less amount of work provided for same pay.
X/12 is less than X/11

This is huge to get a government bean counter to agree to pay the same total amount for less work. (Total pensionable compensation for fewer days)

BUT: with all of this hiring to work less days vacation will still have to follow the 20 percent rule with more employees. With more employees comes more on vacation, more on IDL ,and more possibilities for sick leave. The way vacation is picked/handled will need to be done the same throughout the units. The antiquated burn all what you earn for senior employees first and leaving nothing for new guys will have to change with the times. Yes we are going to entice new people with a prettier schedule but getting hosed and not getting time off will drive the younger generation away. They don’t care, they call out sick, if they don’t get a day off they want, don’t care about pay deductions(pay doc).

More wear and tear on aging facilities and more wear and tear on fleet. Both of which are band-aided as it is. So that means more reserve engines and broken facilities

Could this be a stop gap? No one’s sure

Knowns :
-Health care cost increases every year.
(Maybe we fight more for this)
-The retirement age of 57 is going to push many bodies to breaking point and they are going to go broke on worker’s compensation forcing coverage behind
(Definitely need to work on a different idea)
-Rotating schedules suck for experienced employees and youngsters love them
(Yes it is change and people are against it)
-Even down on a 56 hr you still work 3 out of 7 days
( it’s like daylight savings. You can’t make a day longer or the week shorter straight 72 is still 3 days out of 7)
-Someone will still have to work weekends, nights, and holidays.
-Forces are still going to happen
-You are going to miss birthdays, graduations, and anniversaries.
-Staffing patterns will still happen
-Management will still screw everything up that makes sense

With the possible schedules.: You can’t just burn a day to take it off. Anyone that tells you that is smoking crack. It makes people call in sick and force the next dude that turns into the screw your partner game.
-Remember, no matter which one you like it’s still up to the discretion of the unit chief. So if it makes sense it won’t when they choose.


Just wait until the top seniority folks bid all those single days but block 9 and screw over people who get 2 weeks.


Like my first captain said…. Sucks to suck


The unit chiefs do not get to unilaterally decide. That is bad info.

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The CF way. Talk about mental health and taking care of our people. Then screw those at the bottom. Cheers to my retirement in the near future.


It really is annoying when tenured personnel is telling you the solution for the one day shifts is too burn it, trade it or call in sick. What a joke. Way to screw someone else over. Remember there is HFEOs, CC, Helitak. Not just engine houses. I’m also become more aware of scheduling stations out there that just hand out OT like it’s FCFS.

Edit to DozerTrash… You hit some great points.


Looking at this it seems like your Unit Chief will pick one schedule model for everyone on Shift Pattern 1.


Calculator is active on the Member Side of the L2881 website.

After entering your current salary all the calculations are populated.

Hit done and will send you an email if the results.


No one is saying to call in sick. I’m saying there will likely be opportunity to trade or use vacation on those single days to prevent coming in for one day if its undesired (think commuter). Everyone’s single day shift, falls at the end of someone else’s two day or single day shift.

Also, there will be a large increase in the amount of people allowed off at one time when the necessary personnel comes online.

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Also ratification meeting dates for each District/Chapter are being posted on the Ratification meeting spreadsheet as they are scheduled

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Lol heard that a time or two. Seniority is a b*tch… until you have it