66 Hour Work Week

You need to account for your JAC incentive. Top step fire captain needs to subtract 150 for education incentive, then do the formula from the TA, then add the 150 on top to figure out the true OT rate.

6556 - 150 = 6406
6406 / 53 = 120.87
120.87 x 1.5 = 181.30
181.30 x 6 = 1087.81
1087.81 + 6406 = 7493.81 (round to the nearest whole number)
7494 + 150 = 7644 (66 hour salary)

7644/4.33/53x1.5 = 49.96 new OT hourly rate

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It’s a simple fix, a top step must be 5% less than the next rank bottom step. Implementation would be the problem.

CalHR sets that and it requires MAJOR CHANGES that affect ALL STATE GOVERNMENT.

They only care about/concerned with 5% separation, top step to top step. Overlapping ranged effects no other state government employees.

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Just looked at the different schedule options. Curious on why they would have not included an option that did not rotate and just kept you on the same days. Now if I start on a MTW shift eventually I will be working weekends and then back to weekdays over the course of several pay periods. It seems way over complicated and to top it off there are times where you will only come in for 1 day. Why not just get 5 days off after your 2 day and then go back to your normal 3 day shift. Now I will have to look at a shift calendar to know if I can make my daughter’s softball or soccer game rather than just knowing I work a MTW, WTF or FSS. Am I looking at this right? This might be a deal breaker.

Better get use to rotating. That’s the nature of a 56. I think the thought process is, getting employees use to the new CAL FIRE.

Good luck and glad I’m almost done.


So for everyone that says just work the extra day, how am I supposed to work OT on my “12th” day when I currently work 14 days per month and under this new agreement still working 14 days per month?

Can someone please explain how I “effectively” work 24 hours less but I “technically” still work the same amount of days…

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How do you come in for “one day” on this schedule?

You’re doing the 2 1/2 3 1/3 I take it?

Glad I am almost done too. I’m not gonna get too used to this “New Cal Fire”.

Both of these show times where you only come in for one day. Other wise you would be on the modified Kelly.

I didn’t think shift pattern 2 could get any worse until I saw the proposed schedule in the TA, 24-24-12/24-24-12-12… still 14 days per month.

TBH those are some weird a$$ schedules. A 2 on/4 off 56 is a beautiful thing but man…to get there…

That 1 day thrown in there :dizzy_face:

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Unit wide shift pattern is the key phrase. While helitack/air attack can work shift pattern 2, it’ll have to a an alternate shift pattern agreement that the employees want to work & then the chapter/district agree to with management. All suppression employees, stations, helitack air attack, crews, HFEOs will work the same rotating shift.

I don’t see the “one day” shift, looks like it is just the last day of the previous months shift…


Ok, yeah that’s bizarre i agree. But that schedule is also the rotate every WP shift. Look at the other example where the rotation is every 2 WPs.

I agree. Plus to many of us have a long commute and it means probably one more drive to work in a pay period.

Yep. Looks like it reduces the single days from 5 per year to 3 but there are still some funky things with a single day off just before a single day on. There are gonna be a lot of shift trades.

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Work out duty/shift trades with your buddies and guys in your station so you add that single day to the end of your last full shift, or front end of your next.

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A 7 day shift cycle like CAL FIRE uses doesn’t lend itself well to a rotating schedule. Any way you do a rotation will result in more split shifts and single days off duty than it creates extended days off.

Going to a 48/96 creates a 6 day cycle that automatically rotates, so there is a consistent pattern year round.

If this gets approved, you’ll get used to getting the shift shaft every month or two and look forward to the rare shift gift where the rotation creates extra days off.

I’m not saying to vote one way or another. It’s just the way the math works out.

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I’m trying to picture how the schedule will work.

If you are scheduled to have a certain week be your 2 on/5 off week, do you “own” that schedule or could your short week change every pay period?

Could you be scheduled for the short week to be the first week of one pay period but randomly have the short week be scheduled to be the third week of the next just to suit the department’s needs?

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