66 Hour Work Week

Yes, there will be extra people once the staffing catches up to support it. If you think the unions goal is to get the 66hr with a loss in take home pay, then you are misinformed. The goal is LESS HOURS, same pay. Working your old 3/4 would result in OT.

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I think the biggest challenge right now is the fact that with the uncertainty of the state budget, there are a lot of unknowns. Add in the fact that no specific details can be released due to ongoing negotiations, and there is an absence of reliable information.

How this plays out will have a massive impact on every employee in the department from top to bottom, so there is a huge hunger for knowledge. In this vacuum, rumor and speculation run rampant.

The most recent MOU information release didn’t seem like it was handled the best it could have been, from the state/CalHR’s early release through 2881’s delayed response. Hopefully all the players saw what happened last time and will be better prepared to distribute information in a timely and factual manner when the time comes. With all the work that’s gone in to the JLMC over the past year, I see no reason the state and 2881 shouldn’t have a full set of details ready to go as soon as time comes.

We can only hope that once the details can be released, there will be an organized, factual employee education campaign that will provide all the details and potential scenarios with plenty of time to weigh it all out.


The only way the 66hr doesn’t happen on 11/1/2024 is

  1. The Governor declares a Fi$AL Emergency like he did in 2020 with Covid-19. We all know what happened then. Also declaring the FE OPENS UP EVERY COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT IN THE STATE.
  2. New agreement in place voted and approved by L2881 membership & the Legislature. If no new agreement is in place come 7/1/24, the existing agreement gets automatically extended 1yr and the 66hr starts 11/1/24.

The dept of Finance has been on record for YEARS if you don’t work the OT, you don’t get paid. So there is a scenario where the schedule goes from 12 days or 288 hr in a 28 day calendar to 11 days , 264 hours in 28 days. Where 24hr of OT is removed from PERSable compensation, but gross compensation actually goes up because of extra OT worked.

Think about it this way. The union negotiated all members a an additional $260/month to address increases in health care costs. But that money WAS NOT included as PERSable compensation. But used for calculations for OT hourly rate. But that $260/month after taxes are taken is only around $180.

The details matter. Kinda like the clock for OT going from 56 to 53 to compute OT rate.


Which Units voted no on this Current Contract ?


Only one, that I know of.


Which one?

The LAO’s numbers have been spot on so far. The deficit keeps growing, as well as population fleeing Ca. Newsom has been preaching wishful thinking. We’ll have to see how it all comes out in the wash but, I see an emergency declared and the 66hr kicked down the road. You can read between the lines clearly on what the LAO and the administration is setting up.

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I believe what you are saying. However, Fiscal Emergency opens up ALL COLLECTIVE BARGAINING agreements. The way it did in 2020 because of Covid-19. Every bargaining unit in the state took a haircut of 10%. Since then minimum wage has continued to rise, with fast food workers now getting $20/hr as of 4/1/2024.

I truly believe Newsom has higher, Much, MUCH hired political aspersions. Steve Garvey is currently leading Adam Schiff for the short term Senate Seat till November.

The political winds in California are changing, which direction they blow come Nov is TBD.

Newsom can’t declare a fiscal emergency and still get the support of the labor movement which is proven by SEIU getting $20/hr for Fast Food Workers.


Yeah, it will be a smorgaborgh of a mess, that’s for sure. With the current state of the state and the budget I don’t think Newsom has a chance of he thinks he’s jumping into this current race in 2024 to replace Biden. We all see the mess he’s lead Ca. into. Who spends all of a surplus in 2023 on one time spending when everyone, including the LAO, expected this budget to be a deficit budget. Newsom thought inflation would add to his tax revenues and bail him out. Oops!


Assembly committe for CalFIRE takes up this week. Will be interesting to see if they hold to MOU and 66hr


Vacant jobs might be vacant awhile longer

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Go figure :joy:

Any idea what statewide payroll deferral is…doesn’t sound good

"Defer June 2025 Payroll to July. The Governor proposes deferring the June 2025 payroll to July. Similar to how the 2009-10 payroll deferral operated, this would result in the state paying 11 months of payroll in

2024-25 and, beginning in 2025-26, state accounting reports in future fiscal years would include June payroll from the preceding fiscal year through May of the current fiscal year. This action would reduce the state’s reported payroll costs in

2024-25 by one month of payroll estimated to be $3.2 billion ($1.6 billion General Fund)

In the words of many sounds Fiscal managers
“Kicking the can down the road”
Doesn’t affect your pay date. They just push the last PP of the Fiscal Year into the next FY.

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Well that’s a shame. Was really hoping to get picked up as an FAE or Captain this year.

10 year fed but looks like I’ll be making to 11 now lol.

I would think emergency services would be mostly exempt. But I could see some large cuts by CNRA when they get there time at the budget desk.

“Finally, the agreement includes budget language authorizing the Administration to
freeze additional one-time funding that was included in the 2021, 2022, or 2023 Budget

I think this could have some large ramifications, alot of program being supported by past BCP’s that never got put in the general budget. I think could effect a lot of our hand crews!?


This may turn into a 3rd alarm dumpster fire.


There are at least 5 crews or 200 FF1 and supporting BC, FC, & FAE that were not part of the BCP and funded with “One-Time” Augment funding. The BC-FAE positions were designed to be LT. But I know several units that hired their people PERM. So there is that “little issue”. While at the same time, the over hiring of FAE’s continue to the tune of 10-15 per unit with job coding that ends in 901. There are not of a lot of employees that remember what 901 funded positions are. We shall see if we go back to THE GOOD OLD DAYS.

A little more “Good” News


Could you expand on the 901 coding? I’m 02350 but never heard of that PCA, thanks.