66 Hour Work Week

If we get the 66 HR work week how may people that can retire will? Since numbers have never really been presented to us I am going to assume that I will loose plus or minus a $1000 bucks per pay period or $13 K a year of PERS able income after implementing the 66. If I could I’d go now I would. At this point the only thing keeping me here is the mythical 20 year mark and free health care.

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The union is going to the table to bargain for NO LOSS IN COMPENSATION WITH THE 66. Where are these rumors coming from that you will be losing compensation?

AB1254 has nothing to do with our union other than we support it obviously. It’s in the suspense file currently, if you don’t know what that entails then look it up.


That’s the rub with the whole thing, know one knows. It’s human nature to try to piece it together, and that’s how speculation and rumor start.

JLMC was to submit the work week reduction plan to Dept of finance by July 1 2023. And the plan SHALL be implemented Nov 1 2024 (baring the Gov declaring financial emergency). The word everyone is hearing is the 66 is happening.

How can you expect to sell everyone or put people concern to rest if knowbody knows what’s going on. Members are concerned, with inflation and the economy they way they are, I think it has everyone particularly on edge.


I know where it currently is, no thanks to the Union because they have not provided any info on it when it was first brought up and as it moved through the legislature process. As for it has nothing to do with our union, you are 100% wrong. Why would the union not be out hand in hand with the legislation to bring attention to it.
You answered your own question in regards to where all this info is coming from. Rumors arise when know info is provided. But guess we just have to trust when leadership firmly believes in keeping their lips closed.

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I’m hearing that as 1254 was sailing through the legislature without a single no vote, CPF was lobbying for another priority without coordinating with 2881 which sidelined 1254. Now it’s a battle just to get the legislature to revisit 1254.

It sounds like there may be talk of the legislature resurrecting it, but throughout history, very few bills placed in the legislature’s “suspense” file (ie-the “round” file) have ever come back to the table.

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For those that haven’t watched the “Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Subcommittee No. 2 on Resources, Environmental Protection and Energy, Thursday, April 11, 2024” I suggest too. It blows me away that high ranking government officials ask questions pertaining to “what other states do” in comparison to CF mission. It gave me a conception that they’re trying to compare California’s mediterranean climate to any state with some type mitigated Wildfire response…Minnesota, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Oregon… etc… seems many tenured elected officials have no clue what CF
Responsibilities are.


Start listening around 1:17 .


Committee “What do you mean we could do it cheaper”

LAO “ If we’re talking treated acres for wildfire defense, it’s probably cheaper to hire it out to contractors versus permanent California employees” (sums it up, out of context)

IMHO, so we can’t use treated acres as a justification 4 the 66 per LSO

As ArmchairFC says… It’ll all work itself out

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I joined CDFEA in 1972 and retired in 2004 so my perspective may be a little dated, having served as an officer at the local and region level. I continue to see the Union referred to as a separate inanimate body. The Union is a living breathing group of members. Everyone an employee of CalFire. If you really care about what is happening, get involved, attend meetings, run for office.


The goal is to expand the pool of promotable FAEs which has shown to be an issue when looking to fill FC positions. We continuously have to rely on open list applicants to fill positions because we do not have a robust list of promotable FAEs.

Yes, the union is always going to push to make more PERMANENT positions. We should not as an agency have to rely so heavily on a seasonal workforce with little to no training to accomplish our mission. Pushing the 66 is also a great way to help increase retention so we stop wasting millions of dollars a year training people who end up leaving to local gov departments for better or similar pay with less hours worked per week.

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JLMC notes. You might have seen


Thank you for sharing this. Had this been shared with members by the union, it would’ve eliminated so many rumors


Meanwhile, “The Big Burnout: Life on the Front Lines of America’s Wildfires”


Little easier to read


That’s nice, the state provides our own personal Geiger counter to deficit day.


In his budget, the governor cut 10,000 jobs but left the 66 intact. I think that says a lot.




Forcey bear? :bear: he has been in hibernation for too long.