What happened to the August Complex thread???

This one?

And the north zone?

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Thanks. For some reason I could not find the links yesterday…

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Wonder why there was never a IA or “continuing” thread for this…

Historically, it was 5+ different significant fire starts in the first lightning round, which created a couple complexes on Fed and State. Each had their threads. Then the state side had the Elkhorn independently for a while, with its own threads here. Then things grew and joined and got messy again. Then, in the fire’s weird formative teenage years, it became the SHF-Rock complex for about 36 hours, blue hair and metal music included, before finally maturing and accepting that it should indeed be complexed with the August, thus becoming the August North. So the original August thread sort of inherited August South intel with a little bit of North and West intel, and August North was definitive North intel with a touch of West sprinkled in. There is no West, because there’s no real intel out there.

And here we are. :man_shrugging:

I’ll add a chapter if this thing gets a midlife crisis and Zogg jumps 36 and becomes August Zogg. :wink:




Norgust… big box this thing


Well now THAT explains it. Have not been following it until recently. Many Thanks!!! :+1:


Best summary ever


I have been on the August Complex South Zone on the Mendocino NF as the Incident Safety Officer for the past week and a half. This fire started August 17th from lightning. This morning I am very happy to be able to report that after just shy of 3 months, 1,032,648 acres, burning on 3 National Forests, 3 Cal Fire Ranger Units, with thousands of firefighters working from over 20 Fire Camps, the fire is 100% contained! We have been working on suppression repair for a couple of weeks and out of some 350 miles of dozer line to clean up we only have about 100 left. Looking for a lot of rain through the weekend so we are shutting down with last shift Sunday. Thanks to all who were part of the first “Gigafire” in the lower 48.


Only 100 miles of line to clean up. Take you another day and a half and then all over except the paperwork?