Borel Photos Request

Do any of you on scene have any decent photos of the incident you would like to provide for imagery on Wikipedia?

I’m going to be working on an article about this fire over the rest of the weekend since I think we could all agree this is a truly devastating fire that should probably be archived to the site. And I’d really appreciate having some solid cover photos of the fire’s article.

The only caveat is that sharing such photos for said Wiki article would require you to wavier some of your copyrights for said provided photos to fall into fair use for the site. Of course, you’d still be properly credited for your photos.

Photos with the proper metadata via google drive and with any proper names or pseudonyms you’d like to have added would also be helpful for accuracy purposes.

For the record, I’ve been doing such work for several other fires this season if you look up the Post, Point and Park fires.


I got a couple but I can’t figure out how to upload them


Could you perhaps provide me a google drive link of them maybe? That would probably be the easiest method. I’ll DM for further details.

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Oh the nice mods made it into a seperate topic, thank you!


I have established the Borel Fire and have already fleshed out the progression narrative of the first three days of the fire. Any pics offered for the article would still be very much appreciated as I haven’t been provided any yet. Article link.


There may be some article-worthy visuals in the KCSO body cam footage of the entrapment incident… by its very nature the footage isn’t subject to copyright restrictions so you should be able to snag frames out of the video